Biden Approves Executive Order to ‘Take Action’ Against Myanmar’s Military Coup – IOTW Report

Biden Approves Executive Order to ‘Take Action’ Against Myanmar’s Military Coup

Getting a little nervous there, president-select?

Neon Nettle:

The Biden administration is following up on their warning to “take action” if Myanmar’s military moved with an “apparent coup against the country’s civilian leaders.”

Joe Biden has now approved an executive order to impose sanctions if such actions are taken.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said:

“The United States opposes any attempt to alter the outcome of recent elections or impede Myanmar’s democratic transition,” adding that the U.S. “will take action against those responsible if these steps are not reversed.”

Later, Biden announced he had approved an executive order for new sanctions on those responsible for the military coup in Myanmar, and he repeated demands for the generals to give up power and free civilian leaders. read more

SNIP: Meddling. This is a problem with a lot of those in the Un-i-party.
It’s none of your fucking business.

23 Comments on Biden Approves Executive Order to ‘Take Action’ Against Myanmar’s Military Coup

  1. American soldiers who go to war for this foul Junta ruling our nation will waste their lives or live and be destroyed by selling their souls to the very enemies they took an oath to protect us from.

    Myanmar is no enemy of ours. In fact, given they had the guts to kick the obama clone out of power.

  2. This excuse for military engagement will get the military industrial complex kickback scheme rolling again. There is a lot of money to be made by politicians and bureaucrats if a war is waged. Trump derailed their gravy train by not starting any new wars. Plus, our military involvement in Myanmar would give the Chinese an excuse to wage war on the U S., and Biden’s puppeteers recently gave the Chinese access to our power grid. What could possibly go wrong?

  3. Before some one else says it:

    Cornpop was a pretty big dude…

    Within 6 months new wars that never would have happened with DJT. Sad. Draft the privileged democrat university students this time and let the tradesmen and blue collars stay back.

  4. Just sayingg for you.
    The Harris and Biden responce could be them testing out future needed contingency plans.

    Considering how tick off the DOD is with these weridos.

  5. If we had good paying jobs here in the US for young people getting out of high school, they wouldn’t have to join the service to find work that could kill them. Political Supremacists kids don’t die or get chewed up fighting worthless wars in foreign countries. Honorable mention and a ribbon don’t do much for you in a wheel chair pushed by your wife.

  6. Oh goodie more wars…
    Back into Syria and now Myanmar.

    To quote Edwin Star
    “War, huh) Yeah!
    (What is it good for?) Absolutely nothing, uhuh
    (War, huh) Yeah!
    (What is it good for?) Absolutely nothing
    Say it again, y’all!”

  7. The claim is about a corrupt election that the military refused to ignore. Is should be obvious why President Dominion and (You Better Call Me Dr.) Jill (Or Else!) would demand this be overturned.

  8. Buyden be looking for SQUIRRELS !

    A squirrel would come in real handy after Shampeachment II blows up in their faces again. As sophisticated as the leftists imagine themselves, what they resemble most is The Three Stooges.


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