Leftists eat their own in circular frenzy as alleged homophobic slur is rolled out to slam Lindsey Graham – IOTW Report

Leftists eat their own in circular frenzy as alleged homophobic slur is rolled out to slam Lindsey Graham


South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham’s take on congressional Democrats’ impeachment efforts against former President Donald Trump has the supposed party of love, tolerance, kindness and empathy behaving quite hateful.

So hateful, in fact, that some of their own are calling them out. How rare!

The hoopla began late Wednesday evening when Graham tweeted, “The ‘Not Guilty’ vote is growing after today. I think most Republicans found the presentation by the House Managers offensive and absurd.” more

14 Comments on Leftists eat their own in circular frenzy as alleged homophobic slur is rolled out to slam Lindsey Graham

  1. Of all the rinos, I can tolerate him. Sorta. For me, he’s about 50/50 like/hate. The other rinos? No use for them. At least Linds pretends to see both sides of an issue without being smug like Manchin.

    That said, I do agree with Different Tim. Let her boyfriend fight the left. 😂

  2. Miss Lindsey is so far in the closet, he’s found Narnia. He ain’t fooling anybody though. Just come out, Lindsey, you friend of Dorothy. As Glinda the Good Witch said, “Come out. come out, wherever you are.”

  3. They’re not “eating their own”, they’re keeping their own under control and culling the ones they can’t keep under control.

    A disciplining of the rank and file soldiers sort of thing.

  4. Of all the rinos, I can tolerate him.

    Amnesty for all with the “bipartisan” Gang of Eight, bogus red flag gun confiscation hearings with Dick Blumenthal, nearly 20 years of aiding & abetting the left, continual support to fund and expand the Patriot Act to further spy on the citizenry. His scripted outbursts during the Kavanaugh hearings and his faux support for PDJT will never cancel out his going along to get along style of swamp treachery.

    You’re a better person than I am MJA

  5. Oh, so now that it’s personal…. Holy Hell on Ice Skates!!!! THIS is how we get them to invoke the Constitution now?!?!?!!

    Carlin was right: “It’s a big club and we ain’t in it!”

    (grumble, grumble, mutter, mutter)


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