Officials say they still don’t know why Officer Brian Sicknick died following Capitol riot – IOTW Report

Officials say they still don’t know why Officer Brian Sicknick died following Capitol riot


More than a month after the siege on the U.S. Capitol, the Washington, D.C. medical examiner’s office says it does not know when it will reveal why Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died after responding to the Jan. 6 melee. 

“The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner will release the cause and manner of death when this information is available,” spokesperson Cheryle Adams said in an email to Just the News. 

“OCME medical examiners comply with the National Association of Medical Examiners’ standard to determine the cause and manner of death within 90 days; however, for cases that are more complex it could be longer,” Adams said.

A longtime officer with Capitol Police, Sicknick died on Jan. 7, one day after the riot. Official explanations about what killed him have evolved and softened, leaving questions surrounding his death and the reason it remains unresolved. Unofficial speculation in media reports has included a head injury, chemical poisoning via bear spray, and a pre-existing medical condition that led to a stroke. MORE

15 Comments on Officials say they still don’t know why Officer Brian Sicknick died following Capitol riot

  1. I think it was Tucker who said recently that 5 people died (not ‘were killed’) at the Capitol on Jan 6 and they all were Trump supporters (including Officer Sicknick, whatever his cause of death).

    The left is playing some very devious word games to portray themselves as the victims here. And, of course, the media is quoting them verbatim.

  2. If you do some math bases on US mortality, and estimate “only” 400,000 people present, that “violent insurrection” was an amazingly safe place to be.

    Imagine that.

  3. “Officials say they still don’t know why Officer Brian Sicknick died following Capitol riot”

    I’ve decided we have bad officials and this is not a football game…

    @Lil Morphin Annie – killing vs died, yeah whatever.

    Yes, words USED to mean THINGS…

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