Which pet makes the best ‘Wingman’? – IOTW Report

Which pet makes the best ‘Wingman’?

Dog? Cat? Lizard? Or Bunny? Which pet will come out on top and be named the best “Wingman”?

38 Comments on Which pet makes the best ‘Wingman’?

  1. It depends on the animal. I loved all my dogs and they were always up for whatever, but Beans the cat was something special and I miss him dearly. He was more adventurous and acrobatic than my dogs.

    I took the Jon boat out on the lake in my backyard and he followed me and then made me rescue him from low hanging branches overhanging the lake so he could be go on the boat ride. Insisting that he go on the boat ride.

    If I used the extension ladder to attend to something on the roof, Beans was there.

    Only cat I ever knew who would stretch out for a belly rub like a dog.

    I miss that little dude. There are many memories.

  2. I like all animals but cats just always worked best with my lifestyle and being single. When you need to go away all you have to do is make sure they’re fed and watered. They don’t really care most of the time whether you’re there or not as long as there’s food.

  3. I love dogs but I live on the 8th floor in downtown Chicago. The dog walking park is a couple blocks away. When my sons family visits with kids and dog, and I hear Rex whining to go out at 5 am and its 10 F I’m glad I have cats. They’re entertaining and good company.

  4. A pet rock is best, especially for self defense.

    But to be serious, there is no single pet wingman that is best for everybody. For example, I love dogs but given our house, our neighborhood, our ages, etc., it would be mean to the dog to have one as our pet. I love cats, too, and a cat simply fits better in our circumstances.

    Then again, I’ve always sorta wanted an attack weasel (and I don’t mean an Adam Schiff).

  5. So I have this plan.

    We had dogs, cats, a few others growing up. They are all great. Right now I am renting and can’t have pets, next place will likely be a house with a back yard. I would probably get a couple of cats at some point. But for starters…

    Two cattle dogs/border collies/Aussie shepherds. I have a couple of sources. Train them a little, then once they are close to a year… Two baby miniature goats. Full of energy, bouncing all around – and the dogs will herd them. Perpetual motion machine! I am really eager to do it.

  6. @left coast Dan.

    I have an Aussie. Or does he have me? He herds me when I walk across the yard.

    I love him but sometimes it can be annoying.

    Petey’s best trick though?

    I merely whisper the word ‘Obama’… and he tears around the house barking his head off.

    Good boy.

  7. A guy walked into a bar with a couple of baby goats….yeah I did that….also walked a calf into my Dad’s kitchen. He already had a pig in there, which he later married….

  8. It depends on what the mission is. If it catching mice, a barn cat is tough to beat. Chasing and sniffing out rocks or a tennis ball I like Golden Retrievers. Attack/guard dog, those Belgian Malinois’ seem like a good choice. Nowadays I’m in the Golden Retriever mode.

  9. @PHenry and @Left Coast Dan
    I currently live with my second red heeler.
    The first was Charley, the love of my life. He was not a dog, but a little old man in a dog suit. He was the smartest, funniest, toughest guy I ever knew. He was herding me when he was only 8 weeks old.
    Now I have Ranger, and he’s the sweetest and the most stubborn guy. His best day ever was when he stuck his head in a rosemary bush and pulled out a squirrel. It didn’t survive the encounter, but he checks that bush out every time go by!
    I had a point when I started this, but alas, I’m thinking about my dogs now.

  10. Watch geese can be quite effective as well. They can be especially nasty and loud around the yard or farm and annoying as hell and will peck and chase you if they don’t like you. My Uncle had one that was good or better than any watch dog and you can always eat them as well when his watch goose ended up as Thanksgiving dinner one year.

  11. Left Coast Dan, realize that if you have border collies; when you have company over, they will force you to be in the same room all the time. No matter how many people are in your house, they need to be herded into the same room or they go nuts.

    My friend had one and he would never stop trying to get us all in the same room. Went crazy if someone got up to use the facility. He would follow them and stay at the door to escort them back to the same room where everyone else was held captive.

    He was such fun!

  12. @Claudia – sounds perfect! But that’s why the goats – a distraction.

    A friend had a dog that he walked often. Once he also took another friend’s dog, a shepherd, to the beach. His dog got so annoyed at being shepherded every moment – he said never again to bringing that other dog along.

  13. So I guess a Velociraptor is out as a choice then.

    Dogs have owners who they love, cats have staff who they tolerate.
    We have cats at present but we miss our Lad Tyler who passed away going on 6 years ago. Still finding yellow fur in my truck and in the house every now and then but that’s okay.


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