NY: Admission on nursing home coverup sparks calls for probe and Cuomo’s prosecution – IOTW Report

NY: Admission on nursing home coverup sparks calls for probe and Cuomo’s prosecution


The stunning admission by Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s top aide that the administration withheld the state’s nursing home death toll out of fear that the damning numbers would “be used against us” by the feds has sparked bipartisan calls for a thorough probe — and prosecution of the governor.

“Governor Cuomo, the Secretary to the Governor, and his senior team must be prosecuted immediately – both by the Attorney General of New York State and the U.S. Department of Justice,” US Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) wrote in a statement.

“This bombshell admission of a coverup and the remarks by the Secretary to the Governor indicating intent to obstruct any federal investigation is a stunning and criminal abuse of power,” Stefanik continued.

“I have said from the beginning that this is more than a nursing home scandal, this is a massive corruption and coverup scandal at the highest level of New York State Government implicating the Governor, the Secretary to the Governor, the New York State Health Commissioner and the Governor’s staff,” she wrote. read more

14 Comments on NY: Admission on nursing home coverup sparks calls for probe and Cuomo’s prosecution

  1. All that will ever happen to Cuomo, unfortunately, is that the woke imbeciles who hand out liberal awards will see that he has killed twice as many people and figure he deserves another half dozen Emmys.

  2. Irony Curtain
    FEBRUARY 13, 2021 AT 1:18 PM
    “All that will ever happen to Cuomo, unfortunately, is that the woke imbeciles who hand out liberal awards will see that he has killed twice as many people and figure he deserves another half dozen Emmys.”

    …probably correct, but if they’d rename it what it is, “The ENEMY Award”, I’d be totally on board with giving them out to Democrats THEN…

  3. The people doing the calling must have the power to do it themselves if their calls are to mean anything in the real world.

    Otherwise it just gets passed over and forgotten by those that do.

  4. What’s interesting about this, is: why the democrats are turning on Cuomo?

    I think it’s because they have an even sicker bastard in waiting that they can get into the governor’s office.

    Cuomo probably got too big for his britches against his democrat handlers. Now he pays.

  5. Remember the hospital ship tied to the docks and the field hospital in Central Park and both were virtually unused. The hospital was associated with a charity with ties to Billy Graham who didnt fawn all over gays so Mayor Wilhelm discouraged its use. New York Values dontcha know.

  6. Why do you think Cuomo got an award for what he did? Because the corporatists who own this country and the government wanted people to get Covid1984. They needed people to die so that you would be afraid, so that you would except the loss of your liberty.
    So that, they (billionaires) could get multi-billion dollar Government contracts to produce vaccines, shut down small business thus eliminating competition via lockdowns, Force all wealth to be funneled directly to them through the giant box stores who were deemed essential by the very people who owned stock in them. The final slap in the face, is the same corporations getting “payroll bail outs” billion dollar taxpayer handouts, even though these same billionaires have seen record breaking profits in excess +40% since the lockdown started!!!
    Do you see how this works? Their multi-national corporate interests are pronounced essential while your business is nothing more than competition and therefore the nonessential. But hey, you might get $2000. What’s more likely, is it you get deemed nonessential. That you get deemed a threat to national security.

    The Republicans do not represent the people or this republic. The Democrats do not represent democracy or communism.
    Stop talking about socialist/communist, left, right, bullshit as if that is an issue. It’s not. It is the mechanism they use to manipulate you, to keep you divided, To keep you angry at your fellow citizens, to keep you distracted from what is the real threat to humanity is.
    What we are dealing with the greatest threat this world has ever known. Global corporate government fascism.

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