‘Blood in the water’: Cancel Culture hits fever pitch – IOTW Report

‘Blood in the water’: Cancel Culture hits fever pitch

‘Cancel Culture’ hits fever pitch: Journalists, critics, actors, TV hosts, musicians in crosshairs

Just The News-

“Cancel culture” has long referred to the fury often faced by conservatives who become the victims of social media mobs, dismissal petitions and 48-hour news cycles. Often the precipitating incident is one in which the target expresses a conservative opinion — or at the very least one that offends mainstream progressive sensibilities — and the end goal is usually something like total marginalization: reputational harm, a social media ban, the loss of a job, public ostracization.

Yet the phenomenon is spreading beyond conservatives and increasingly sweeping up individuals who in earlier years would have seemed unlikely targets for the cancel mob: an apolitical musician here, a science journalist there, a popular dating show television host, even a gay art critic. As its target range expands, cancel culture produces an ever-more pervasive sense of what dozens of academics and writers last year called the “stifling atmosphere” of “public shaming and ostracism.” read more

17 Comments on ‘Blood in the water’: Cancel Culture hits fever pitch

  1. Let the left eat themselves.

    I just unloaded on someone very close to me when it started preaching about “white privilege.” When it and I cool off, I will quiz it about how it atones for its white privilege.

    I do not expect a clear and coherent response.

    I will then explain that white privilege exists only if you want it to.

  2. This is just the bandwidth of human thought being narrowed.

    There simply isn’t room enough for everyone in the coming new system, with those that can be re formed to fit in being allowed to be part of it and those that cannot simply being eliminated.

    What kind are you?

    Will you be among those who are allowed or among those who are eliminated?

  3. Good ol Ariel Pink has been around the music business for a long while, had the GALL to show up at a Trump Rally and now his records aren’t being sold and his label dumped him.

    It’s stunning because Mr Pink isn’t even a conservative, he’s a libertarian. But I guess to the cancel communists anything that isn’t farthest left is extremely right wing.

  4. Cancel culture will/IS turning into the ChiCom “social media credit score” system we’ve heard about and that is coming to a country that is you.

    The election was stolen, Biden is not, never was, nor ever will be the LEGITIMATE President of the United States and I, as a patriotic, America first, nationalistic, constitutional believing nobody from flyover country is becoming obsolete.

  5. I remember when Carol Burnett called out the National Enquirer for a wildly inaccurate story about her. She ended up suing them and winning. Up until then they were untouchable. We need that kind of courage today.

  6. Superficial idiots have constructed the perfect vehicle to demonstrate their deeply empathetic views without ever having to actually lift a finger except to shake that finger in the face of those that don’t act likewise.

  7. In the most simplistic terms, cancel culture is the electronically enhanced version of mob rule. The mob is fickle and lives for bread and circuses.
    Certainly an ancient human trait. A million years of civilization will not change it.

  8. Lots of us here have cancelled CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, Hollywood movies, leftwad celebrities, sports, RINOs, assorted weirdos. It cuts both ways.

    There are certain things I’ll never cancel, like beer, wine, whisky, ice cream, fries, burgers, most (but not all) Rock & Roll, Hawaii vacations, and reading history. Now that’s what life is all about, for me.


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