Government Says Brits May Be Allowed to Sit on a Bench With Another Person – IOTW Report

Government Says Brits May Be Allowed to Sit on a Bench With Another Person

Summit News:

I can’t emphasize enough how big this is – they’re letting us sit down!

20 Comments on Government Says Brits May Be Allowed to Sit on a Bench With Another Person

  1. LocoBlancoSaltine
    FEBRUARY 15, 2021 AT 3:49 PM
    “Jethro Tull were hardest hit…”

    …unfortunately, Aqualung now sits in the White House and eyes little girls with bad intent quite openly now while snot drips out of his nose, no park bench or England needed, but sure, Jill can fight Kamala for the cross Eyed Mary role…

  2. Q: Are you allowed as a resident of San Francisco or California to sit on a park bench or are they reserved for Shitting Only?

    asking for a Brit friend

  3. Kcir
    FEBRUARY 15, 2021 AT 4:18 PM

    “Aqualung was not as creepy nor as senile, homeless and drunk. What is Joe’s excuse?”

    …paresis Definition 2, probably…


    1) a condition of muscular weakness caused by nerve damage or disease; partial paralysis.
    “examination indicates paresis of the upper left limb”
    2) inflammation of the brain in the later stages of syphilis, causing progressive dementia and paralysis.

  4. Back in the Spring of 2020 my wife and I were strolling on the nearly abandoned campus of our local Big Name University. We found a shady bench at least 200 feet from some people playing frisbee. Within a few minutes campus police arrived on a golf cart to ask us to move on. We were not allowed to sit. After leaving us, the cop wheeled over to the frisbee throwers and told them the Grove was closed to picnics and play.

  5. …maybe they’ll let you sit under the spreading chestnut tree…

    “Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree
    This phrase appears in Part-I, Chapter-VII of George Orwell’s novel 1984. In fact, Orwell has taken this passage from Glen Miller’s nursery rhyme “The Chestnut Tree.” He uses this song as, “Under the spreading chestnut tree/I sold you and you sold me…” (Part-I, Chapter-VII). Orwell refers to a place, the Chestnut Tree Café, where rebels or lovers meet. Ironically, the Party does not permit its members to have feelings like love for one another, wanting them to only love Big Brother.

    It ironically implies that the bad times have gone. The phrase refers to the way the Party succeeds in dividing and breaking up a couple, Winston and Julia, while both sell their love to work for the Party. Thus, the good time has come, because now Julia and Winston love only the Party and Big Brother.”

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