Utah GOP says it’s OK with Romney impeachment vote, as voters circulate petition calling for censure – IOTW Report

Utah GOP says it’s OK with Romney impeachment vote, as voters circulate petition calling for censure

Just The News:

Utah Republican voters have launched a petition to censure GOP Sen. Mitt Romney for voting Saturday to convict former President Trump in his Senate impeachment trial for inciting the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot.

The petition states the first-term senator “misrepresented himself as a Republican” and failed to “represent the average conservative Utah Republican voter.”

The online petition, first reported by The Salt lake Tribune, was created by voters, not Utah Republican officials.

Meanwhile, Utah Republican officials have issued a statement acknowledging Romney’s vote and the one by fellow GOP Sen. Mike Lee, who voted to acquit Trump.  more

15 Comments on Utah GOP says it’s OK with Romney impeachment vote, as voters circulate petition calling for censure

  1. Mormons are bat shit crazy, those magic underwear apparently cut off their oxygen supply to their brains.

    Off topic sort of. I broke my own rule and went to PJ Media and sure enough it’s the same old piece of shit. These GOPe, whether they’re party insiders or supposed “conservative media” they still don’t get voters. They still don’t understand why we voted for Trump, why we hate the rest of them.
    This Tyler O’Neil idiot who I picture as the pudgy kid in school always getting toilet swirlies is wringing his hands that Trump went too far in criticizing Mitch and has now created a civil war in the party.

    That is how much they don’t get us, the party declared a civil war against it’s voters years ago, hence the Tea Party and then Trump. We’re never going to roll over and in the end we will either destroy the GOP, run off all the establishment or have no need to worry about parties ever again when we take this country back and return it to the People.

  2. This tribalism pissed me off and always has. I choose politicians I support based on their political philosophy being compatible with mine. I couldn’t give two hoots in a barrel about whether someone shares a common ethnicity or religious affiliation representing me, I want someone who shares a common worldview.

    Mormons like many Catholics and way too many people of Irish extraction just don’t get that dynamic. Is it too much to ask for them to use their Goddamn head and reason through things like this before they vote instead of voting for someone based on some nebulous connection to commonality with a candidate?

  3. Just a reminder, there are members of the LDS Church, including myself, who read and comment here. Obviously we share some political views or we wouldn’t be here.

    We’re mostly nice people and we’re willing to give you all the benefit of the doubt on your comments. Please afford us the same respect and knock off the Mormon-hating.

  4. The Utah Gop does not have to worry about it’s voters. They will come around at election time and vote for Romney. It’s practically guaranteed.

    The republican party is never going to save us from democrats. Ever. It is delusional and fantasy to think they ever will.

  5. I didn’t vote for Romney or 0bama because both have based their life on a basic lie. Both have been deceived and continue to be deceived. They are both gullible. One thinks he is a god and the other thinks he can become a god.

    To the muslims-Jesus is more than a prophet.

    To the mormons-You have been deceived by an organization started by a guy who said that God told him to start a new religion because ALL other religions were apostate. Now the LDS organization is working to be recognized and accepted by those apostate religions.

  6. Utah GOP (meaning its leadership) put Romney in office. Utah GOP also put Democrat Ben McAdams into the Fourth Congressional District seat by abandoning Mia Love. (Last year, they gave Burgess Owens very little support. He was the voter’s overwhelming favorite and won despite an aggressive negative campaign by Pelosi’s people.)

    Utah GOP restructured the nominating process to give them more control over who is nominated. Utah GOP fought tooth and nail to overturn a law that created an option that bypassed their manipulated system.

    Utah GOP, like many other state GOP in GOP dominant states, represents the swamp at the state and local level.

    My State Representative told me he is a RINO. He was hand-picked by the County GOP to run and they greased the system to guarantee his nomination. I voted against him in the last election, as a Democrat in his seat would not have made any difference in what happened in the Legislature. He won, just squeaking by, ironically, on the coattails of Trump, who he likely despises.

    I did not want to vote for Romney. I voted against him in the primary but the State GOP had done their job in smearing his opponent in the press. I had to vote for him in the general election. Jenny Wilson would have been a total disaster in the Senate. Romney was the lesser of two evils.

    Romney is not representative of the majority Utah’s voters. He is highly representative of the Utah GOP. They know that most any Democrat will be seen as worse than whoever they put on the ballot.

    The signatures-to-primary option will open things up a bit, but that too has suffered from some Chicago style manipulation. Two steps forward, one step back. Progress, sort of. They need to implement ranked/preferential voting to eliminate the possibility of a candidate winning with less than a majority, as happened last year.

    I hope McMullin is successful in drawing away these nevertrumpers to his uniparty.


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