Trans female MMA fighter who delivered ‘life-altering blows’ to female competitor is ‘bravest athlete in history,’ LGBTQ outlet claims – IOTW Report

Trans female MMA fighter who delivered ‘life-altering blows’ to female competitor is ‘bravest athlete in history,’ LGBTQ outlet claims


A sportswriter for a prolific LGBTQ media outlet said recently that Fallon Fox — a transgender female MMA competitor who was biologically born a male — is the “bravest athlete in history.”

Fox, 44, once broke a female competitor’s skull during a 2014 fight.

In late January, Outsports contributor Cyd Zeigler praised Fox’s performance in the octagon and said that Fox is easily the bravest athlete in all of history.

Zeigler wrote, “She’s been inducted in the LGBT Sports Hall of Fame. She is an indelible part of LGBT sports history. And, maybe most importantly, she generated conversations an [sic] opened possibilities for trans athletes in women’s sports that will be felt for generations.”

Zeigler also praised Fox for enduring a “torrent of hatred I have literally never seen targeting an LGBTQ athlete.”

As highlighted by Disrn, Fox has received criticism for delivering “life-altering blows” to female opponents in the ring.

“During a fight against Tamikka Brents in 2014, Fox gave Brents a concussion and broke seven orbital bones,” Disrn reported. The fight lasted a whole three minutes.

At the time, Brents said, “I’ve fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night.”

Brents said that she was not aware at the time that Fox had transitioned from male to female. read more

29 Comments on Trans female MMA fighter who delivered ‘life-altering blows’ to female competitor is ‘bravest athlete in history,’ LGBTQ outlet claims


    There is no such thing as a chick with a dick, all there is and will ever be is dudes with boobs!

    At HIS best, all HE can ever be is a DUDE who cut HIS wang doodle off who fought woman in a MMA ring… That doesn’t take guts.

  2. Having played sports my whole life, competed in the arena, this topic really hits home.

    No, it is the polar opposite of bravery, it’s cowardice, and revealing just how untalented, ordinary, these athletes really are. The “bravery” would be in competing within the gender that you were born into. You want to identify as female, dress up like a girl, date men, all fine, but you are still a man, and if you had any pride or confidence at all in your athletic ability then you would want to test yourself and compete with those of like minded strength and ability.

    These trans wrestlers, sprinters, weight lifters, and MMA fighters, all frauds. They compete against women because, lacking in real ability, they need an edge, which for the real athlete is insulting and a betrayal of sports ethos.

  3. Reinforces my belief that the queer thing that they do affects their minds in a negative way – that is, they may be normal at an early age, but the queer thing turns them into neurotic sickos.

    This Ziegler fag revels in the fact that a queer trans fighter seriously injured that woman and broke bones in her face.

  4. “Brents said that she was not aware at the time that Fox had transitioned from male to female.”

    …that’s because he didn’t.

    No drug, no surgery, no hormone is going to reverse what God ground into every single cell your body has, or ever WILL have. Muscle mass, heart size, brain wiring, bone structure, blood content, and much, much MORE are dictated by your last two chromosomes, and it’s absolutely ludicrous to think that cutting things off a man here and sewing things on a man there will give you ANYTHING but a mutilated male.

    …so no, he did NOT transition. Transitioning is a physical impossibility.

    …it’s just a sick man living in a world that’s been conditioned to indulge his illness instead of cure it, is all.

    This lady he fought is only one victim.

    …there have been, and will be, many, many more, including the mentally ill men they refuse to treat the mental illness of…

  5. I coached my daughter in soccer.
    In first grade, the boys and girls played together – no problem
    In second grade, the boys and girls played together – no problem
    In third grade, the boys and girls played together – the boys were way tougher and more brutal – already. It was dangerous for the girls – already. The boys were already having their testosterone effects and they weren’t trying to deliberately be rough on the girls, it was just happening.
    You can’s stop NATURE.

  6. …and I can feel her pain on that eye orbital thing. Many years ago, when I was a yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do, a third degree Black belt got me with a crescent kick that came in under my nerd helmet and broke my lower ones. He had actually told me he was going to kick for my face, but he didn’t say HOW, and I’m pretty slow on defence plus Yellow was just one step up from White in my school, so I wasn’t really trained much or experienced anyway. I didn’t go down but I did stumble away to regroup for a bit, but I didn’t feel terrible and I had an OK story to go with my black eye.

    But later I went to blow my nose, then noticed that it made my forehead inflate. Yep, I was blowing bubbles from my compromised nasal cavity through my split eye bones into the sinus cavities on the opposite side of my eye, so I thought it might be prudent to seek a medical opinion on it.

    The Urgent Care doc was a young one, but it was pre-Obamacare so he was competent, but he about shit a brick when I walked in with a prominent flesh balloon distorting my brows. He took scans and such to make sure my eyeball wasn’t going to fall out, but at the end of the day he couldn’t do a ton else but deflate my head and tell me to not blow my nose for a few days.

    And it was a TON of fun telling the insurance company that there WAS no police report on me getting kicked in the head during a fight because it was a DELIBERATE fight where everyone dressed up in white PJ’S, so that made everything OK…

    …of course the guy who kicked me wasn’t TRYING to harm me, and he wasn’t crazy, so he stopped.

    Which is the difference between fighting a crazy person vs. A sane person.

    Also, I was a guy who got kicked by another guy. We all KNEW what we were fighting. Seems that THIS gal did NOT.

    …at the end of the day, though, ACTUAL women will never win any physical contest again. Men are just stronger, and it’s hard-coded into the DNA and can’t be removed. Unless and until women end this nonsense and stop supporting the Democrats that push it, the two gender divisions in all sports will be Male and Delusional Cross Dressing Male, and there will be NO room for ACTUAL females at all…

  7. The Old rules were simple:

    You play UP a division Not down.
    Tannies should play UP in the men’s league period.

    The promoter who allowed this shit should be financially responsible for the care of the Females & their insurance premiums before & after the fight.

    Tamikka Brents was a Black woman who was publicly beaten by a man for money.

    Great Job SJW’s

  8. It is my understanding that the woman whose skull the tranny broke was not informed before the fight that she would be getting into the ring with a man. The footage of the beat down is truly disturbing. The woman did not stand a chance and is quickly overpowered by the man is and mercilessly and relentlessly pummeled bloody.

  9. The trend was set with Mooch, the man flotus.

    If Mooch were female, they would have garbled on about her inner beauty, or that looks are only superficial and ain’t she so smart….

    Instead, Mooch was the ‘most glamorous’, the most stylish, the mostest best interior decorator of the WH, etc, ad nauseum. All feminine attributes, and that’s what was supposed to make Mooch exceptional.

    It was so brave, so cool, so whatevs, because … Mooch tapes his manmuscle down every morning in order to face the day. SO brave !!

  10. I dunno, I’m not that bothered by this. If a woman gets into a ring with another man thinking she can knock him out, deserves to get her bell rang. Complain all you want ladies, you made this happen! In no female boxer gets into the ring with him, then he doesn’t have anyone to fight. See how that works?

  11. Sick bastard will pay for this one day. LGBT ETC. are notoriously involved in abusive relationships. Eventually, one of his partners will beat the crap out of him.

    BTW, Great comments, SNS. Agreed.

    I caint breev, You summed up the nutcase’s psychosis, perfectly.


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