Oregon: Despite high road taxes, Portland won’t plow side street snow – IOTW Report

Oregon: Despite high road taxes, Portland won’t plow side street snow

The Portland Bureau of Transportation told KATU-2 TV, “We don’t plow the side streets for a couple of reasons. One is a capacity reason; we don’t have the number of plows that we would need to do that…” MORE

13 Comments on Oregon: Despite high road taxes, Portland won’t plow side street snow

  1. Ha ha ha!
    Gee, elections have consequences – even in the People’s Democratic Republic of Portlandia! SUCKERS!

    Just the tip … no … I won’t ___ in your mouth … honest!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. There’s too much garbage, tents, and shopping carts etc on those side streets from homeless/Antifa/BLM campsites. Then again, maybe a plow is exactly what they need.

  3. …you know, the person I almost feel sorry for in these places is the person who has to wake up every day and write ad copy for the Portland/Seattle/Blue City Department of Tourism.

    …I mean, this is kind of tough to put a happy face on…

    “Come for the lovely ocean view as you remain locked in your hotel due to the loving care of the attentive staff, as you and your love bask in the warm, soft glow of the building burning next door! Get your motor revved up from the exotic, erotic moans from the homeless brothel running out of the room next to yours where we are told that at least some of the women are lucid, willing participants exercising their body, their choice and are not rapes at all as you get a complementary contact high from the various smokeables culled from exotic lands wafting on a gentle breeze from under your door into your room! Thrill to the adventure of dining out where there’s a constant possibility your meal will be exchanged at any time for a chance to affirm your wokeness to the brightly hair colored natives, but don’t forget your complementary poop map and riot schedule so you can enjoy the best of the REAL night life we have to offer!

    Yes, we have it all here in The Big Blue City! Come and be ready to surrender your cares and your wallet, and who knows, you play your cards right, and you might even be selected by one of our most righteous protesters for impregnation with a gift that will last a lifetime, no credit card or consent needed or even ASKED for!

    Big Blue Tours.

    ..it’s like looking into the future…


    This ad is produced by the Big Blue City Bureau of Tourism, in conjunction with the Big Blue Chamber of Commerce. We do not guarantee your experience or your life or your freedom at any time, and we are not responsible for any theft, rape, or murder against your person while in our area. Please keep in mind that we cannot rescue you or be concerned about you at all, so we highly recommend you have your affairs in order before your visit and have someone on the outside with gang contacts to arrange your ransom if needed. Enjoy your stay, it may be longer than you think!”

    …yep, I ALMOST feel sorry for that person, but I don’t.

    …because THEY willingly keep the deceit going as well, and probably have a BLM sign in their lawn too, and vote Democrat multiple times in each election, then can’t figure out why their job is so hard…

  4. If you want something done in Portland that the city is supposed to do, you might as well get used to just doing it yourself.
    On the side of the city vehicles it says, A City That Works.
    ‘When they feel like it’ should be added to that sign.

  5. I know people who live in Oregon and they often bragged about no sales tax in Oregon. Then they tell me what their property taxes are and it’s 2x what I pay here in California. We pay huge gas tax, car registration, and eventually the roads get repaved. However, we had a tremendous amount of FEMA money coming into our community. First it was a spillway collapse of the world’s largest earth man-made dam in the country, then we had 3 years of devastating fires. Big trucks tore up the roads and they got promptly repaved. Disasters pay. As for Oregon…I’ll stay put, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side of the State line.

  6. Back in1990, I think it was, there was a crusty old guy who made it onto the city council in Seattle. He was really a liberal, but he was an old school liberal.

    There was a heavy snow fall — the heaviest in over 20 years. He arranged to but a truck-mountable snow plow blade from a relative for some dirt-cheap price.

    He was censured for putting money in a relative’s pocket even though it 1) cost about 10% of what it would have cost to go through the standard bidding and purchase procedure and 2) the snow would have long since melted by the time they went through the normal procedure.

    The government: it is not your friend.


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