Watch SC Democrats call unborn babies “pretend life” and then walk out of the state House chamber in protest of the heartbeat abortion bill – IOTW Report

Watch SC Democrats call unborn babies “pretend life” and then walk out of the state House chamber in protest of the heartbeat abortion bill

Literally called it a “farce of a vote about pretend life.”
You can’t make this up:

22 Comments on Watch SC Democrats call unborn babies “pretend life” and then walk out of the state House chamber in protest of the heartbeat abortion bill

  1. So what happens when we call THEIR lives ‘pretend’ lives? Does that mean they consent to use killing them?

    What the abortion ‘fight’ is all about, is it is a ploy by the left to cheapen human life, so when people on the right are butchered, it’s no different than butching babies.

    Get it?

  2. Whenever someone tries to pull a “it’s not a life” statement I say “Well if she isn’t carrying anything then she isn’t pregnant and this whole conversation is pointless, but since she is “carrying something” what is that something? Is it a cat? (what for the dumb look that everyone always gives) Is it a dog? (same stupid stare) Well, is it a chicken (don’t wait for any response this time and go straight for the ludicrous high pitched) Well it sure as hell ain’t a giraffe! What the hell is she pregnant with if it isn’t any one of these things? (slight brief pause) Obviously it’s a child you stupid idiot!”
    I stopped being nice in the Pro-Life discussions long ago.

  3. @Menotu — Another question to ask is, “What happened to the ‘precautionary principle’ so important in the climate debate? We haven’t been able to determine just when a person comes into being. If there’s any chance at all that abortion kills a human being, shouldn’t abortion be banned?”

  4. …the same people who insist on everyone wearing masks in a vain attempt to prevent getting pregnant with a virus, refuse to wear a condom to prevent getting pregnant with a child, go figure…


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