‘Facebook Attacked a Sovereign Nation – We Will Not be Intimidated’ – Australian Prime Minister Responds to Facebook’s Shakedown and Threats – IOTW Report

‘Facebook Attacked a Sovereign Nation – We Will Not be Intimidated’ – Australian Prime Minister Responds to Facebook’s Shakedown and Threats

GP: On Thursday Facebook followed up on their threats and blocked Australians from viewing and sharing news on the platform because of proposed laws in the country to make digital giants pay for journalism. more

14 Comments on ‘Facebook Attacked a Sovereign Nation – We Will Not be Intimidated’ – Australian Prime Minister Responds to Facebook’s Shakedown and Threats

  1. I used to think the usa was headed for another Civil War.

    Now I am thinking the planet is headed for a world Civil war.

    Big tech and the governments it can compromise against the people who won’t live with their jack boots on our throats!

  2. Good for Aus.
    Canada’s Turd doesn’t have the cojones unless there’s something in it for him.
    The US is already getting money galore via the Dem Party.
    Have no problem w a country looking after
    their own first, Nobody else does!


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