Herschel Walker makes powerful case against reparations in front of Congress – IOTW Report

Herschel Walker makes powerful case against reparations in front of Congress

BPR: Legendary football player Herschel Walker argued the conservative case in front of Congress against slavery reparations while stating that “atonement” will not help black people.

He made the point Wednesday that reparations could require genetic testing to calculate what amount someone was due according to what percentage of their ancestors were slaves. He also put forth the often-ignored fact that blacks and whites were both slave-traders. more

23 Comments on Herschel Walker makes powerful case against reparations in front of Congress

  1. Flashback:
    After weeks of progressive pressure, president-elect Joe Biden on Monday promised to immediately deliver $2,000 stimulus checks to millions of Americans if Georgia Democratic senate candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff win their races this week.

    So black folk, ya’ll gonna fall for this shit AGAIN?

  2. As far as can tell, reparations means taking money away from someone who was never involved in slavery and giving it to someone else that was never involved in slavery based solely on the races of the people involved.

    For some reason, this just doesn’t seem right to me.

    But if I’m wrong and it isn’t that, explain it to me in a way I can understand it.

  3. If Kammie can lay out a convincing case on why she should pay reparations based on her family history, and then get on her knees (that’s kind of funny) and beg forgiveness from the black community for her family’s horrible past behavior I might give this 10 seconds thought. But 10 seconds is all.

  4. President Ted Cruz should pass on this awful idea of reparations.
    I just woke up from a coma and turned on the news and figured Ted was the president considering his wall-to-wall coverage.

    Wait…you mean the real* president called a lid at 8 AM today, a Thursday?

    I’m going back to my tequila coma…

  5. Nader’s comments are most dangerous. What does he mean?If it is anything like bills being passed through the VA General Assembly, it means passing any bill with the justification to fix “inequities”. Environmental justice, criminal law, marijuana legalization, casino gambling, etc all in part are proposed to fix real or perceived wrongs aimed at not only blacks but anyone who is not white. The things is, it is the Democrat party that should atone for their past sins, not the American society. And the ignorant Rep Lee is working for the organization that kept blacks enslaved. Can you spell moron?

  6. Think all the Africans who have come here in the past 15 yrs will apply for their share?

    Someone ask Pedo Joe how black people will apply since they don’t know how to get online.

  7. “Reparations.” Just another word for “Redistribution.”

    If any can prove he was enslaved, and can identify his enslaver, then he should be entitled to reparations from that individual enslaver.
    Not from me. Particularly since my ancestors immigrated to America AFTER the Civil War.

    But we ALL know it’s a bullshit scam – pretend to give money to the negroes while stealing it from them. Same as that “infrastructure” scam, TARP, Student Loans and Grants, SNAP, and the rest of those gov’t scams. The negroes won’t be a single iota better off after this scam than before it. I guarantee it.
    In fact, the turnover will probably be quicker.
    Mad Dog 20-20 sales will spike, the choom industry will get a boost, and then we’ll have to get ready for “Reparations II” as the negroes lose all the money to the scammers.

    Oh – the Lottery will get a boost, too.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. …my ancestors were in Ireland at the time slavery was going on being starved by English lords, in Scotland being hunted by them, coaling in Newcastle, and under the eaves of the Schwartzwald scratching at the land for sustenance.

    They came over here and were treated like pure shit by the ruling class for being Irish and Catholic, and were hounded and persecuted for having a Germanic name when it was time to be killing the huns. They settled in the mountains of WVA to die in the coal mines until my parents met and got education so they could get good work elsewhere (not much to do in WVA unless you like Black Lung, illegal distilling, or directing funerals for both), so they were the first generation to get out of poverty after my Dad was done flying MATS transports to Korea, but he kept up with the Urban Appalachian Council to help folks that struggled with City life, as many who left the hills did, and both he and Mom (when it was still not cool for women to work) worked hard to make a living for us kids, and my mom has such a strong work ethic that she still has a job well into her 80s that we can’t get her to give up.

    None of us ever HAD slaves, but many of us were TREATED like them.

    And now, a bunch of fucking Democrats who never had to WORK for a living want to tell me and my son that we owe people who were never slaves OUR hard won earnings because we are allegedly the same hue as some mean folks that no ancestor of mine even shared a CONTINENT with while that mess was going on?!?


    …I don’t owe you SHIT. My son doesn’t owe you SHIT. He and I have been ourselves officially, institutionally, governmentally discriminated against for OUR color AND our gender, and even though my people were treated to NO IRISH OR DOGS signs and threatened with death so often and by so many people that Grandpa had to Anglicanize the family NAME just so folks wouldn’t threaten to burn them out any more, THESE slaps want to tell ME I owe people money for crimes of people I am not even related to from 180 years ago?!?


    They will get nothing of value from me but the fillings in my teeth after they’ve shot me down to take my guns.





    …fuck OFF with this reparations bullshit.

    …if your SO opposed to slavery, go free the Black slaves in the Congo.

    I had nothing to do with it, and neither did any OTHER White person currently living in America.

    Go piss up a rope.

    I owe you NOTHING.

  9. Don’t forget how England refused to send emergency foodstuffs to Ireland during the Potato Famine, which increased the death toll from 1 million to 2 million

    Irish had to flee to the coast looking for seafood leaving their elders to die on the road. They boarded ships to America in their weakened state and naturally many fell ill and died and you could only toss them overboard. Then they were treated like disease vectors in America, because, of course, they were.

    And many, in their anger and despair killed themselves slowly with alcohol and so were stigmatized for that

    So why don’t I revile the America that was so cruel to “my people” and to the English who didn’t come to their aid, went to aeven though they were subjects of the British Crown? Because I never heard any of this story until I was an adult, even tho I enrolled in a school system founded by an IRISHWOMAN, Elizabeth Seton

    They didn’t talk about it to children because it only pollutes their minds with a desire for revenge against a group that are, basically, world beaters. That leads nowhere. They made the world you live in, and because you adjusted to it, they came to respect you. Of course, it helps that we had an alternate source of morality and order in the Catholic Church that was the equal to Anglican and Protestant churches

    Fortunately, this all took place before the Irish fell under the malignant spell of the Leftists, who foisted the exact opposite on blacks


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