Texas Faces Food, Water Shortages Amid Winter Storm Power Outages – IOTW Report

Texas Faces Food, Water Shortages Amid Winter Storm Power Outages


Texans were in survival mode as the state faced food and water shortages during the winter storm crisis. Thursday marked the fifth day roughly 500,000 homes throughout Texas were without power.

Record-breaking freezing temperatures paired with mass power outages disrupted the state’s food supply chain. According to reports, fruit and vegetable crops in the Rio Grande Valley froze over and the Texas Department of Agriculture commissioner said dairy farms were forced to pour out over $8 million worth of milk every day. more

29 Comments on Texas Faces Food, Water Shortages Amid Winter Storm Power Outages

  1. Yes, there are shortages of food and water, but there are a ton of people (I wish I were one of them) who are spending countless hours taking food, water, and firewood to those who need it. People are even offering their homes to strangers. Our newly-elected Congresswoman, Beth Van Duyne spent all day at the Dallas Convention Center helping put boxes of stuff together to take to those who need help. I won’t kid you—it has been rough, but we’re a hardy bunch, and we’re almost to the other side of this. And a side note: no looting!

  2. In my area, rural fire departments took turns shuttling water to a hospital to keep their boiler running. A local brewery stopped production and made canned water for people needing drinking water. In nearly every town, a church or restaurant opened as a warming station for people without power. People even offered to anyone needing a warm place to come to their house.

  3. Don’t mess with Texas.
    That said, some still try.
    Even the weather.
    Beto tries to mess with Texas.
    Texans can handle the shit.
    Yes, Ted Cruz fucked up with the optics but symbolism over substance is bullshit.

    The bottom line is to prep for the worst.
    Have water, blankets, food and ammo at the ready.

    You know damn well they do not!

  4. The global warming wind turnbines shut down.

    Now the global warming hoaxers, who say it will never snow again, are saying that the businessmen in Tx are irresponsible because they didn’t prepare for the weather turning freezing cold.
    You can’t make this up.

  5. Even here in Maine where half the year is cold people run to the stores an buy all the milk and water when a storm is coming.
    It’s no surprise to us the shelves in Texas are emptied.
    They aren’t used to or prepared for that kind of weather.
    I always get concerned for drivers in those areas too. We salt the roads like crazy and have plows in every town.

    Thanks for the news about Texans helping each other and about no looting. The media only focuses on whatever fits their agenda.

  6. Not too bad here in La Marque.
    Hauled gallon water jugs to 1 old lady
    so she could use the commode.Found 37 adaptors
    and cobbled together a piece to replace another
    old ladies broken water pipe.Will install today.

  7. Northern Wisconsin has tons of wood logs cut into 8′ lengths already loaded on rail cars that can be rerouted to Texas. It wouldn’t be free, but hey, Texas can afford it.

  8. “And chicken shits who call themselves anonymous who should stick with crayons on the walls because they don’t have a clue.”

    Can’t address the facts of the message so you make a personal attack on the poster instead?

    A typical thing done by those being told a truth they just don’t want to hear.

    So how about addressing the substance of my post, eh?

  9. Anonymous, create a ‘nick’ for yourself.
    Otherwise any old “anonymous” can post just like the anonymous ‘test test test’ above.
    That way we will know which anonymous you are.
    Maybe ‘Anonymous Esquire’, whatever.

    Not so anonymously,

  10. “Anonymous, create a ‘nick’ for yourself.”

    There are currently 19 cross platform trackers running here that can be used to build a profile of you and everywhere you go and everything you post under any “nick”.

    I prefer not to give those who would move against me someday, and that day is coming for many people on the right, profiles and material that can be used against me.

    You should consider that.

  11. I like Texas and Texans. In Texas, everything is bigger. When Texans win, they win big. And when they lose, it’s spectacular.
    If you really want to learn the attitude of how to handle risk, losing and failure, go to San Antonio and visit the Alamo. The Alamo is a great story of brave people who chose to fight, knowing there was no hope of success against overwhelming odds. They chose to die instead of surrendering.

  12. If wind power was reliable, our naval forces would still be using wooden sailing ships…,
    Ask people in Texas what they think of wind power when the turbines are frozen,
    Aoc can use her green new deal* for a giant suppository and shove it.
    *An idea she stole from a Canadian lunatics.

  13. Fuel trucks are not moving either and gas is scarce or sold out. My water frozen since Saturday but it will be above freezing today for a while and maybe it will thaw. Hard times in the Land of Plenty.

  14. Time to finally admit that Solar and Wind are garbage. As are anyone who supports these scams. Roll back all of the idiot climate change laws and regulations and get back to coal, gas and oil. If the climate change dealth cult morons want a cleaner Earth, they can all go to China to protest. The CCP will be happy to send them to the same concentration camps as the Uighurs to contemplate the climate. Also, fossil fuels are infinite. Read about Dr. Vladimir Kutcherov to understand.

  15. “Watch out where the huskies go” but they have lots of “in a pinch” potable snow. As to not having a week or two worth of cheap canned goods and/or dry edibles? Shame on them.
    Hell, you can eat Ramen or oatmeal when it’s dry.
    A few days of listening to their stomachs’ growling will be a remembered lesson and might save their butts next time something worse comes along.

  16. Anonymous,
    Every PC leaves traceable “digital fingerprints” via your unique IP address. It really makes no difference if you do or don’t use a pseudonym because the file on you is already in the works. There are no secrets anymore. You are not the enigma you believe yourself to be. Now take off the pissy pants and play nice in the sand box.

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