2020 Election shenanigans in Virginia? – IOTW Report

2020 Election shenanigans in Virginia?

Gateway Pundit:

A Virginia voter identified a 1.7 million vote difference between the final state results in the 2020 election and external results reported on Election Night.  When he attempted to address his issues with authorities, no one would answer his questions. more

9 Comments on 2020 Election shenanigans in Virginia?

  1. 9:03 pm est election night I knew the fix was in. polls closed @ 9 in Virginia with Trump up buy more then 400K votes and 1% of the vote reporting Fox news called Virginia for Biden. I have not watched Faux?fox news since.

  2. Whether it’s Fox or CNN, they’re in the business to know. So regardless of what they say or how they couch it, they do know what the Truth is… and they knew it then as well!

  3. Many of the house and senate races were cheated as well. All being suppressed. Anyone surprised? They’re scared to push 2nd amendment infringements too far, thanks to the enormous turnouts at VCDL (NOT NRA) rallies. The creation of 2A sanctuaries and no gun control counties sent a powerful message. The line is being held, but “somebody’s gotta go” 🤔

  4. Do you remember how every single thing in Soviet Russia was a lie?

    Then nobody should be surprised that the official version of every single thing in this country is a lie. The election, the science, the economy. Everything.

  5. Trump was winning Virginia when they abruptly halted counting election night. I forgot who said it, but it looked like they didn’t program the machines to cheat enough, and he was still going to win. So they needed to go back and reprogram the vote counting machines. Happened in several states.


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