Georgia Election Reform: Changing The Law Is Necessary — But Not Sufficient – IOTW Report

Georgia Election Reform: Changing The Law Is Necessary — But Not Sufficient


Guest Post by Prominent Atlanta Attorney

The 2020 election and runoff put the Georgia Legislature in a hole.  They are trying to dig out by new bills to “improve election law.”  There are bills on absentee voting, on poll watchers, and holographic ballots.  There are bills to introduce a new election Czar into the process – a Deep State person with experience as a poll watcher.  There are bills on eligibility, chain of custody, and prohibiting drop boxes.  (Hint: They were already prohibited.)  An omnibus bill is in the works, supposedly.   

But what if the existing election laws had been enforced as written? As written:

Georgia counties would have – monthly — scrubbed their voter rolls and removed dead voters and persons listed on the national change of address database. Boards of Elections (BoEs) would have removed voters identified as ineligible.  Absentee ballot signatures would have been verified and rejected by single poll workers – not subject to the formation of committees under an unconstitutional consent decree.  

The supervisors of election (SoEs) would have been less dictatorial in preventing Republican poll watchers from watching – and would not have imposed lifetime bans on poll watchers without  due process.  Absentee ballots would not have been opened in back rooms before election day.  Recounts would have been meaningful and not subject to a top down adjustment.  Voters would have been treated equally.  

The Dominion Voting Machines might have been reviewed the way that the election officials in Texas reviewed them – and rejected them.  Judge Amy Tottenberg’s cautionary statements about those machines in an October ruling would have been heeded, at least to provide a meaningful audit trail.   read more

5 Comments on Georgia Election Reform: Changing The Law Is Necessary — But Not Sufficient

  1. Yeah, it’s not as if there weren’t already laws in place to govern the election process — it’s that those laws were outrageously violated without any consequence to those doing so. It’s shit like that that makes me think that the R’s weren’t just surprised by it all, but actually in on the steal.

  2. Have heart Georgians, SoS douchburger and his coterie of sissy Rino’s are looking out for you….by enacting MORE laws to ignore!

    I’ll give it to the Dems. They don’t like the laws, they rake em through the courts and make sure the Rino’s abide by them.

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