Hawley accuses Pelosi of using Capitol riot as an ‘excuse to seize power’ – IOTW Report

Hawley accuses Pelosi of using Capitol riot as an ‘excuse to seize power’

Nutty General said what???

10 Comments on Hawley accuses Pelosi of using Capitol riot as an ‘excuse to seize power’

  1. This is a continuing effort by Jorge Soros and the Obamanation to turn the Military Against the citizenry. They’ve already been successful turning LE Against us. Frag this guy.

  2. Honore is just another affirmative action bonus baby. He was a disgrace to the uniform of the US military. He is a communist and deserves to be placed against a wall and shot for treason.

  3. Looking at crazy Honore’s resume it looks like he was promoted out of the way while in the military. Mostly posted in quiet areas.
    Interesting Marjorie T. Green was removed from her committee posts for talking about conspiracy theories years ago and then Pelosi hires this guy who actually is a nut job to “investigate” an unarmed break in to the Capitol bldg.
    Any guesses what his “findings” will be?
    He also seems to really dislike cops.
    Local and federal by comments he’s made.

    God help us.


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