Ivanka Trump Won’t Challenge Rubio For His Senate Seat In 2022 – IOTW Report

Ivanka Trump Won’t Challenge Rubio For His Senate Seat In 2022


Ivanka Trump has ruled out mounting a challenge against Sen. Marco Rubio for his senate seat in 2022, according to a report.

The former White House senior adviser reached out to Rubio earlier this month and informed him that she doesn’t plan to seek a primary challenge for his seat, as such a move would have torn apart the party already divided ahead into the midterm election.

“Marco did speak with Ivanka a few weeks ago. Ivanka offered her support for Marco’s re-election. They had a great talk,” Nick Iacovella, Rubio spokesman said, noting that both had discussed hold a joint event to “highlight the work that Ivanka and Rubio have done on expanded child tax credit that was included in the 2017 GOP tax cut bill.

In a statement, Ivanka praised the Florida Senator as a “good personal friend,” adding they are planning to hold future events together in the Sunshine state within the next few months on issues “both care deeply about,” including their expansion on the Child Tax Credit.

“Marco has been a tremendous advocate for working families, a good personal friend and I know he will continue to drive meaningful progress on issues we both care deeply about,” Ivanka said. more

16 Comments on Ivanka Trump Won’t Challenge Rubio For His Senate Seat In 2022

  1. Ivanka will run as a democrat against the republican candidate because that is who she is – another NYC liberal. Rubio is a backstabbing, illegal alien butt sucker who has got to be defeated in the primary.

    Another closet communist death democrat who will always betray the voters once he gets back in. Piece of Major Shit.

  2. Could he (or anyone) stand a chance against a primary opponent promising to serve no more than two terms, as long as they made it clear that the legislative term limits everyone seems to want have to start somewhere?

  3. ??? Why is this even a “news item”, a question. Who floated this possibility?

    Ivanka Trump is a pretty woman who I’ve heard is also pretty smart. But let’s face reality: if she wasn’t Donald Trump’s daughter, she would be nowhere. Her politics were/are NY left squishy (she was a registered Democrat until her father ran for office), and — dare I say it? am I allowed to say this? — she has the personality of a fish.

  4. I like the Dad and the sons, the daughters and the son-in-law, not so much. I will always believe Ivanka and her husband were the cause of the bad decisions.
    Ivanka imho is Donald Trump’s blind spot.
    So she doesn’t need to be running against Rubio, a Patriot needs to be running against him and hopefully the Governor fixes their election system.

  5. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather not have as senator more than Rubio, except Ivanka. I’m not keen on monarchs and the Clintons and Bushes are proof these families believe they’re entitled to rule us.

    I have even less faith in my Rep who sends out the same splashy trifold color “what I’ve done for you lately” every two years. His one bold bullet point “I introduced a bill whereby Congress will forgo pay raises until the American people get one”. That was 5 terms ago. Pretty sure he’s had his arm twisted and “accepted” each one.

    Matter of fact, I’m not sure the guy is even still alive.

  6. Would you run to try to build a country that is heart set in self destruction?

    Ivanka, does not need this shit.

    I would not. Most people that I know that are in very difficult situations constantly vote against MY interests & their own thus making life harder for themselves.

    Funny thing this morning:
    The Guy who I bought ALL of may compound archery stuff from ($2000 per year avg) for years years just called me with no heat.

    The last time I asked him to tune up one of my rigs he said “No, I’m a painter now and I don’t do that any more.)
    This morning he called me with NO HEAT at his house. I told him, “sorry I only do Commercial and have no residential parts etc.”
    Him and his wife both work for Public school boards now & have unreal salary,pensions & Benefits up here.

    I’m not wasting my time helping people who voted for Turdeau to save them some money which they get from my taxes by producing little snowflake Socialists.



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