Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Urges Supreme Court to Review Loomer’s De-Platforming Case – IOTW Report

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Urges Supreme Court to Review Loomer’s De-Platforming Case

Floridian Press:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R) has faced backlash since the beginning of the year because of controversial views shared in the past. She also received criticism from both Republicans and Democrats earlier this year, and few lawmakers stepped forward in showing support. However, Laura Loomer, former Congressional candidate and conservative journalist, expressed her support earlier this year by calling the attacks against her “anti-Jewish.” Now, Rep. Taylor Greene is calling attention to the longtime media ban that has been placed on Loomer, arguing that the Supreme Court should revise the actions taken against Loomer.

Loomer, who lost to Florida Rep. Lois Frankel (D) in the 2020 congressional race for 21st district, has also faced heavy criticism for controversial views shared in the past. In showing her support for the embattled lawmaker, Loomer commented earlier this year that Taylor Greene “came to Palm Beach during my campaign to help me, she donated to my campaign, and she has done more to speak out about my De-Platforming than any other member of Congress.” Loomer also pointed out that this includes “the 28 Jewish members of Congress who have never lifted a finger to help me.” MORE

6 Comments on Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Urges Supreme Court to Review Loomer’s De-Platforming Case

  1. Last night I was watching a conservative talk show when one of them said …. we’re not going the EU socialist route, we’re going straight into the Communist china model. He was so right. And still we sit on our asses.

  2. @ Anonymous FEBRUARY 20, 2021 AT 12:12 PM

    The communist Chinese model relies on a “demand economy,” which also happens to be the world’s largest economy. W/o that there is no market for goods produced in a command economy. The Chinese model was rescued by Richard Nixon and I recognized that at the time and I was just a kid. It was apparent to me that cheap goods in the short term was going to lead to long term consequences that are anything but good for the United States in the long run.

    Besides that, there is no way the worst elements in our government would not be able to resist participating in an market that relies on payoffs.

  3. 80 years ago it was good to say “Americans are good folk”! The last 61 yeast to say “Americans are good” is “controversial”!. To liberal Big Business; not to me!

    Change his sometimes bad! Case in point.

  4. That demand that keeps the CCP in clover is 100% driven by global corporate greed. W/M alone probably sends several 100 billion every year to China. They have 10s of 1,000s of items and would lose some profit if these goods were manufactured in this country. The Waltons are already some of the richest people on the planet.

    Remember when W/M was vilified by the left? They figured out it was better to get woke to shut the fuckers up and at the same time skyrocket their wealth. Replay that up and down corporate America.

    We could eliminate China as a threat by simply cutting way back on importing goods. Its a win/win for this country but the greed of our Overlords won’t have any of that.

    Trump tried. Don’t think for a second the DC Klown Kar’s “insurrection” circus was about anything but getting him out of the way so the trillions of Chinese cash could continue to flow.

    10s of 1,000s of small businesses gone. Millions of jobs gone. Industrial capabilities gone.

    Pretty fucked huh?

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