She’s wearing Boris Johnson’s trousers – IOTW Report

She’s wearing Boris Johnson’s trousers

National Pulse:

Conservative Group Demands Inquiry Into ‘Unelected Power’ Of Boris Johnson’s Secularist, Feminist, Climate Change-Alarmist Fiancée.

“Symonds appears to enjoy huge influence in the hiring and firing of No 10 staff and in policy making, the Bow Group says, despite having no formal role,” the group claimed, pointing to a plethora of evidence of Symonds’s unwarranted influence of British foreign and domestic policy.

The Bow Group states:

As the Prime Minister’s girlfriend, Carrie Symonds has been able to take up residency in Downing Street (flat of 11 Downing Street) and Chequers Court. She holds no official role in government and is both unelected and unaccountable.

Constitutionally she does not have any right to be involved in the running of the Government of the United Kingdom.

Historically the spouse of the Prime Minister has been granted limited special privileges. For example, Samantha Cameron had a taxpayer-funded Special Adviser to assist with her diary. At no point however was Mrs Cameron involved in the business of the Government, either in government hiring or appointments or in policy making.

Even if Ms Symonds was the spouse of the Prime Minister, the Spouse of the Prime Minister has no official role within Government, and should not be involved in the running of the country, or the internal affairs of Downing Street.

They claim Symonds is not accountable, tied by a code of conduct, vetted, elected, nor appointed as every other policy-making staffer in the UK government.

The Bow Group listed the following incidents as warranting investigation:

  • Ms Symond’s role in approving her friend Nimco Ali to the role of Government Advisor, in receipt of public funds;


12 Comments on She’s wearing Boris Johnson’s trousers

  1. “24 years younger than the Fat Asshole.”

    Yep, there’s now way this testosterone starved bastard gets a stiffy anymore. And it doesn’t look like he can part his hair with his tongue. So whats the attraction? He should man the fuck up.


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