Computer repair shop owner who obtained Hunter Biden laptop sues Twitter over ‘hacked materials’ claim – IOTW Report

Computer repair shop owner who obtained Hunter Biden laptop sues Twitter over ‘hacked materials’ claim

Wa Examiner:

The former Delaware computer repair shop owner who says he came into possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop sued Twitter for a second time over how the social media platform handled a New York Post story on President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, alleging the tech company defamed him by implying he was a hacker.

John Paul Mac Isaac filed his lawsuit on Thursday in the Southern District of Florida, claiming he was forced to shut down his business, in part, because Twitter labeled the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop as being hacked materials, which he denied, and he said had caused damage to his reputation.

A prior lawsuit, also claiming defamation and demanding $500 million in damages, was filed in the same court and tossed out by a judge in late December over lack of jurisdiction. In his new lawsuit, Mac Isaac attempts to bypass the jurisdiction issue. He also says that there had been defamation damages greater than $75,000 and that the exact award amount could be determined after a trial.

In addition, Mac Isaac asked Twitter to “make a public retraction of all false statements and to issue a public apology” to him. read more

5 Comments on Computer repair shop owner who obtained Hunter Biden laptop sues Twitter over ‘hacked materials’ claim

  1. I believe he ended up as the legal owner of that laptop since it was left unclaimed and had repair fees due on it, the same way an unclaimed car at a mechanics shop can be claimed and sold by the unpaid mechanic for what is owed him.


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