POUTY PENCE? Trump’s Acceptance to CPAC Crashes Servers, Pence Declines Offer To Speak – IOTW Report

POUTY PENCE? Trump’s Acceptance to CPAC Crashes Servers, Pence Declines Offer To Speak

David Harris Jr.:

By now, everyone has heard that President Donald J. Trump will make an appearance at CPAC next weekend in Orland, Florida. The announcement of his attendance sold out CPAC, and now tickets are gone. That makes it even more curious as to why former Vice President Mike Pence declined an offer to attend.

“Former Vice President Mike Pence has declined an invitation to attend this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, Fox News has learned.

Pence was invited to speak at the annual event but turned it down, according to a source familiar with the event planning,” according to a report by Fox News.

News reports were circulated that members of Pence’s team had said that Pence harbored some “bitterness” toward Trump after the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol building and that he was pouting that new of “danger” at the Capitol on that day was not more concerning to Trump and his supporters.

In unity, the Democrats and establishment Republicans who despise Trump’s America First agenda exploited Pence’s hurt feelings to attack Trump and Americans. read more

24 Comments on POUTY PENCE? Trump’s Acceptance to CPAC Crashes Servers, Pence Declines Offer To Speak

  1. The left is very much afraid of Trump. He IS the new GOP and 80+ million of us are with him.

    Pence, not so much. He had is chance to be a leader and whimpered instead. He will go down as the worst V.P. ever.

  2. A Brit I know once jokingly said that Pence’s name signifies that he is small change.

    The worst part about Pence was his choosing shitty aides & staff. Marc Short in particular.

  3. Everybody hates Pence. He would have been booed off the stage anyway. What can he say? Stabbing President Trump in the back was the best thing for the country.
    Pence is a dangerous moron.

  4. pence participated in certifying election fraud
    he knows President Trump is the duly elected president
    he also knows he’d be booed out of the arena and that video will be played over and over
    not sure why cpac would even entertain inviting him to speak

  5. Trump IS the face of Constitutional conservatism. They better get used to wilting away into obscurity.

    I have absolutely nothing but contempt for the assholes who have promised the most reliable voters for their candidates to support their agenda… and turn around and dry shave them at every turn.

  6. Trumps biggest mistake was trusting the republicans PERIOD. They hated him too, and like they snakes they are, waited for the right moment to stick the knife in and say, oh no hard feelings, just doing business.

    At least the democrats came out and said how they felt and didn’t do the weasel thing. Pence should be shot IMO. Treasonous coward he is.

  7. “Trump’s failure to call off the mob and ensure the safety of his loyal second-in-command represented the “ultimate betrayal.”

    “Loyal second-in-command”…ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!

    Mike Pence, the LIVING EMBODIMENT of Judas Iscariot himself, is the one who COMMITTED the “ultimate betrayal”!!!

    And I don’t remember President Trump being in control of the godless, communist antifa and blm agitators???

    So help me Almighty Lord, but I do despise these lying, deceitful, hypocritical, pathetic excuses for human beings!!!

  8. I have great respect for Mike Pence and realize that his position regarding the vice president’s constitutional authority to stop counting electors until state legislatures recovened and audited vote tabulations is plausible. Please don’t state he should be harmed for his actions on January 6th. However, any sentient creature knows that Donald Trump won the 2020 election, and this is why transparent, forensic audits of vote tabulations were never done. What else would quickly and easily establish unity in this country than a totally transparent and forensic audit? But Joe Biden didn’t call for a forensic audit, did he? 40+ years as a faithful public servant, but the notion of a true and honest forensic recount never passed from his lips to the public’s ears. You gotta love ol’ Joe’s heart and thank him for restoring the soul of the country. He’s quite the leader, isn’t he?

  9. I share all sentiments about Pence but especially the one about him being a huge coward and a RINO through n through.

    It’s a shame but he hadn’t the spine to even TRY to fight the establishment. I wouldn’t feel so frustrated if there wasn’t footage of him folding immediately and getting that coin/medal passoff from some fellow representatives. >:[


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