35 Capitol Police Officers Under Investigation, 6 Suspended for Letting Protesters inside US Capitol – IOTW Report

35 Capitol Police Officers Under Investigation, 6 Suspended for Letting Protesters inside US Capitol

…Classic Case of Entrapment

13 Comments on 35 Capitol Police Officers Under Investigation, 6 Suspended for Letting Protesters inside US Capitol

  1. …entrapment doesn’t matter where there’s no rule of law in the first place, so everyone is guilty, all Trump supp…I mean, “INSURRECTIONIST” will be given a “fair” mass trial in absentia by the Fort Pelosi tribunal, followed by a first-class hanging…

  2. Only a person in possession of a sub-par intellect would believe the “insurrection” was anything but a coordinated effort between a law enforcement agency, a body of politicians and a gaggle of useful idiots. Only a person in possession of an extra chromosome would believe that Joey Basements* won anything other than a nap, some pudding and a 12 year old to sodomize.

    One or more of these cops is gonna talk… and when they do, it won’t be “entrapment” they’ll be worried about, it will be RICO statutes.

  3. This is all getting too stupid to comprehend!! Next thing we’ll hear is that half of Somalia came over here just to live in freezin-ass minnesota so they could vote for some really stupid representatives!!


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