Canada to follow Australia and take on Facebook, seeking payment for content – IOTW Report

Canada to follow Australia and take on Facebook, seeking payment for content


Canada is poised to take on Facebook, following the example set by Australia, which began a war with the tech giant when the country’s publishers backed proposed legislation demanding payment for their content.

Canadian Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault condemned Facebook’s actions as “highly irresponsible” last week when the social media giant removed all Australian news content from its sites in retaliation.

Guilbeault warned that Canada would be next in making sure Facebook paid for news content from Canadian publishers. Guilbeault is charged with drafting legislation in the next few months that would require Facebook and Alphabet Inc’s Google to pay up.

“Canada is at the forefront of this battle … we are really among the first group of countries around the world that are doing this,” Guilbeault told reporters. read more

10 Comments on Canada to follow Australia and take on Facebook, seeking payment for content

  1. What’s to stop Facebook from receiving the same from US news outlets, other than Washington politicians who want to control the narrative through their news favorites.

  2. The only way to stop FB is to quit them and quit linking them and passing the link round when you see something funny through your emails, etc.
    Then, they’ll be forced to go to subscription, and at that point, they’re toast.

  3. Canadian Heritage Minister:

    Def. Another french Canadian Asshole from Quebec who hates the English and Western Canada.

    The biggest mistake England ever made was to stop killing the French in Canada which resulted in hundreds of years of ass kissing and “distinct society” horse shit.

    There is so much regional division in this country that I’m surprised we still exist. The primary Canadian Identity seems to be proving how we are not Americans. Too bad, I have more American flags (4) than Canadian (0) (Pissed on and burned mine when Turdeau was Re-Elected)


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