Tiger Woods in surgery after suffering leg injuries in major rollover car crash – IOTW Report

Tiger Woods in surgery after suffering leg injuries in major rollover car crash

An SUV driven by Tiger Woods crashed and rolled over Tuesday morning in Los Angeles, leaving the golf superstar with multiple leg injuries, authorities and his agent said.

Woods was undergoing surgery on Tuesday afternoon after the single-car crash, his agent said.

His injuries are not life-threatening, according to Lt. Michael White of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. more

57 Comments on Tiger Woods in surgery after suffering leg injuries in major rollover car crash

  1. When you’ve spent more of your life driving a golf ball than driving a car… You’re going to wreck a lot. All the frog skins that guy has what the hell is he driving for anyway. *Shrug*

  2. The comments concerning his accident are no different than the comments I read after Rush died. Good grief, what the hell is wrong with you asshats? You’re acting just like liberals.

  3. Sorry Rick, but I’ve already been called much worse.

    Stuff with like, way more syllables.

    However, in the future if some multi millionaire rolls his vehicle and breaks his legs, I will certainly act accordingly.

  4. Tiga’ had to have a whiter than white wife
    and then cheated on her with over 100 women.
    Like most sports stars he is just a POS to me.
    Nothing for children to look up to.

  5. …not to be callous or anything, but so?

    …a guy had an accident.

    …I’ve officiated at dozens of them, and cut more than one person out, many much more severe than this.

    And you never heard of them.

    Because they’re not famous.

    …Tiger Woods has been blessed in life, from what I can see. He was blessed again because his injuries are non-life threatening. One broke ankle and a compound leg fracture.

    Not fun, but not lethal.

    Single car accident = probably did something bone headed.

    But he’ll most likely live.

    …we read this only because he’s famous.

    But fame has its slings and arrows too.

    …I wish him well, pray for him full and complete healing as I would ANY accident victim, but that doesn’t mean a gentle ribbing is put of the question for one so well known for his foibles off the links as well as his strokes on them…

  6. Pathetic. Like I said, you asshats Loco and Aaron are no different…. oh and Aaron, I try to keep the syllables down for mouth breathing idiots like you. Tell me asshole, how many syllables can you handle?

  7. Shut the fuck up Brad….As I recall, Rick was involved in a motorcycle accident and has had 15 or so surgeries. He finally can walk to the mail box…..Your comment was even more off base then many of your others. Critique his comment or hold your filthy tongue….

  8. Let’s see, “one of these things is not like the other…”

    Tiger did NOT suffer a life threatening injury.
    NOBODY here said he should “rot in hell.”
    The dude was speeding and perhaps texting.
    He didn’t die of cancer.

    So it seems to me Rick is a fucking moron who, like CNN and Pelosi et al, compare 9/11 to 1/6.

    Don’t be a Rick…

  9. The fudge is everybody getting all cranky for?

    Besides that.

    I’m just here to rip on Biden. If that upsets people…you might be at the wrong site. I’ll never apologize for throwing mud in lefties. eyes. !!!!!NEVAIR!!!!!

    (This paid political message was sponsored in part by the friends of Aaron Burr LLC.)

  10. A picture I saw shows he crossed a median and onto another lane. I cant tell if it was oncoming traffic from the pic? Lucky he did not hurt somebody else. Distracted driving is the #1 cause of accidents.

  11. What’s up with the goat guy? Are he and Rick the same person or does he just have a hard on for Brad?

    As for Tiger Woods, didn’t he have another wreck awhile back in front of his house? Sorry if I honestly don’t care, worse things happen in life to people, when they didn’t do anything on their own to cause it and sorry if you wreck on your own, 99% chance you did something to cause it.

  12. Willy four fingers? He’s alright. So is Rick.

    I figure’ you never know what sort of personal hell the other fellow is goin’ through, so it’s best to just let em’run wild until they tire themselves out.

    They usually feel better in the morning.

    No hard feelings and we go back to kicking the football around. Seems American.

  13. Tiger Woods has always been a Pal of DJT. And Rush for that matter. When it was convenient, almost demanded, Woods stuck by DJT. Another famous athlete that did the same was Mike Tyson. Hopefully he doesn’t have an upcoming car wreck. I’ll stick with and pray for Tiger. And Willy and Mr. Pissed off at the world can kiss the right side of my left cheek.

  14. Excellent point Brad.
    I think that is why I got pissed about Rick’s comments.
    We weren’t being cruel.
    I like Tiger and very much appreciate that he didn’t cave like Drew Brees.
    Tiger held his ground like Tom Brady.

    This wreck will likely end Tiger’s season but the bigger problem is his back.
    He may need some titanium rods in his legs but golf doesn’t require running.
    A big comeback would be a big deal.

  15. Hambone, they said that due to the distance traveled he must have been hauling ass.
    I believe it was 45mph zone and he likely doubled that.

    Of course during the police news conference many of the questions and answers were IN FUCKING SPANISH!


  16. Being famous will probably be his undoing since the accident, eye witnesses and all physical evidence will be scrutinized up the wahzoo.

    It sounds to me like he was speeding, late for his tee time apparently, and yes, he is damn lucky to have such minor injuries considering that tree that he took out.

    The CHP has crash reconstruction teams that will be able to determine exactly what happened, what caused the crash.

    Ive driven that road but like another 10 thousand other roads across the country, you have to pay attention to what the hell you are doing anytime you get behind the wheel.

  17. Why can’t the obvious be stated – Tiger Woods is an awesome golfer who mastered driving golf balls, just not cars. Pun intended. He a little reckless.

    He tends to irresponsibly, during times he’s dealing with stressers in his life, decides to get behind the wheel of a car.
    Must be some form of “escape”.
    Thank God he hasn’t harmed anyone else so far.

    Time for Tiger to use a private driving service before he suffers more than a broken ankle and legs.

  18. A few here have seen photos of the aftermath of my trip off the shoulder, the right side tires dropped down three feet the back end rotator counter clockwise over six feet into a barbed wire fence and that is where my F150 ended up. The left front tire was still on the gravel road and the reason it was is I did not hit the brakes. The rear was headed down and around counterclockwise and I rode it out steering ever so gently to keep that left front on top. Had it slipped off the truck would have been upside down in the bottom of a 20 foot deep dry canal. Had the back end continued around the wire would have broken and the truck would have slid down backwards to the bottom. The truck was 30 degrees to the road but going forward and I wanted to keep it that way until it came to a stop.

    This all took place in seconds. I moved over onto the shoulder to pass a flatbed pickup that had Preefert panels loaded on it sideways and the grass was tall enough that bench that is three feet down looked like just a wide shoulder unless you pay attention to the fence posts at the lip of the canal. The grass was there to four feet tall. I was going ~ 20 – 25 mph.

    I suspect Tiger was texting and going 65 – 70 and hit the raised median and that jerked his rig around in a counterclockwise direction and when the rear wheel contacted the raised median it rolled, vaulted across the two oncoming lanes and came back to earth about at the curb line and then rolled over, slid, rolled, slid and finally came to rest. He took off a few 12” diameter pine trees and that is probably what tore the front end of the car off and broke his legs.

    He is a lucky son of a bitch to be alive.

  19. I’m saw some real good video of the accident scene this morning.

    The oncoming two lanes did not have evidence of the vehicle contacting them. The median was tore to hell and there is physical evidence of there his vehicle came back to earth. It appears the car was rolling and sliding in contact with the ground pretty much until it came to a stop.

  20. Tiger Woods has damn sure made some poor decisions. But he’s not a complete dummy, I bet from here on out he has a driver. Jeez, that wasn’t intended to be a joke, I mean a chauffeur.

  21. AnonTrooper
    FEBRUARY 24, 2021 AT 7:26 AM
    “I’m only here out of morbid curiosity, like I’m rolling 5mph past the scene…”

    …we usually referred to LookyLous like that as the “Ooh Ahh” squad, and it was always remarkable how quickly they formed up and how badly they’d screw up scene access.

    Without getting into the ghouls and the instigators in the crowd, just the fact that people did this could be a HUGE problem. This is why, if we did something ESPECIALLY crowd pleasing like being in an AirCare unit, we’d shut down BOTH sides of the highway even if only ONE was actually affected.

    This is because people on the OTHER side…drivers INCLUDED…would crane their necks to watch the fun and stop paying attention to little things like speed, direction, other cars, etc., so unless we wanted to start running rescues on the OTHER side of the highway for THEM, it was just best to shut the whole thing down, because it would end up that way ANYWAY.

    …and this was PRE-cellphone. What with YouTube clicks, monetized videos, Facebook postings and, and WorldStar, I would imagine that now it is 100 times WORSE…

  22. Mr. Hector Murmansk,esq. February 23, 2021 at 6:00 pm

    Will his putter still work?

    I was thinking the same thing. After his break up with his wife, he had back surgery and has had several since. That would be a real blow if he was paralyzed from the waste down. His career is over, I expect to see him as a commentator on ESPN. I don’t have any sympathy for an adulterer.

  23. @ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS: Cell phones are still a major problem. In the past 2 weeks in my area here, we’ve had 4 head on collisions with casualties. Cell phones were involved, drugs, and in too big of a hurry.

    Yesterday in a parking lot, this young woman comes whizzing around the corner, her cell phone in one hand holding it up to look at, and driving with the other. WTF! Also, whenever I’m stopped at a stoplight and I’m the first to go, I hesitate before I go so that last asshole who goes blowing through the light doesn’t t-bone me. HA! Saw a CHP officer stopped at a stop sign (I was behind him). He had his cell phone looking at it, didn’t look to the right before he pulled out and nearly t-boned a car. So, my point is CELL PHONES KILL! (Weed is legal and people smoke it driving as well, we aren’t safe any where, look out for yourself.)


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