‘PSYOP The Steal’ – IOTW Report

‘PSYOP The Steal’

This is Millennial Millie’s latest Video. It may answer a lot of your questions.

15 Comments on ‘PSYOP The Steal’

  1. Doing the work the FBI used to do! All of this is available to them (and more) if they cared to do their job, but they are being paid to look the other way! In the last century these reprobates would be rounded up and jailed pronto ASAP!

  2. I know it’s a long video, but you need to watch it (please share that link) and remember the names plus who they are.

    You may have been or may be swindled or entrapped by one of these creeps in the future. Ali Alexander may show up at CPAC again. Why?
    Now you know.

  3. Shit like this is why we need to end the FBI, honestly they should have been ended not long after they were formed, they’v always been crooked, lack of doing anything to these people is just the latest example of how crooked the bastards are and I don’t buy that 99% are good people, I’m not sure I’d even say 1% are good people.

  4. These pseudoAmerican asswipes don’t know just how close they are bringing us to a HOT civil war…we’ve already been in a “cold civil war” for a number of years now but when I say HOT I’m meaning blood shed!


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