This Dude Defended Subjecting Kids to Chemical Castration – IOTW Report

This Dude Defended Subjecting Kids to Chemical Castration

PJM: Pennsylvania Health Secretary Rachel Levine (born Richard Levine), President Joe Biden’s pick for assistant secretary of health at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), has long defended experimental transgender “treatments” for children. Levine, who identifies as transgender, has refused to say whether or not he has undergone medical interventions for his own gender identity, telling The Washington Post in 2016 that such “treatment” is a private matter.

Levine, a pediatrician who worked at Penn State Hersey Medical Center from 1993 to 2015 and who teaches pediatrics and psychology at Penn State College of Medicine, has given lectures on how to perform sex changes on children since at least 2012The National Pulse reported. In 2014, Levine argued that adults should give children latitude to choose their genders. He coached adults, “try not to force them one way or [the] other.”

In 2017, Levine recommended cross-sex hormones for children in their mid-teens. According to a video of his speech obtained by The National Pulse, Levine warned about the dangers of going through “the wrong puberty” and encouraged hormones to prevent the natural process of adolescent development. read more

45 Comments on This Dude Defended Subjecting Kids to Chemical Castration

  1. “This Pervert Defended Subjecting Kids to Chemical Castration”
    There. Fixed it for ya. Yer welcome.
    Sounds like he/she/it needs some chemical treatment.

  2. Hideous freaks and perverts can always find a welcome home in this administration. They seem to be the preferred choices, anyone that used to be considered normal need not apply.
    God help us all.

  3. We have a mental illness problem in this country and where you need to start looking is the Commie Liberal Demonrat Party. 🤨

    Just looking at this person or whatever it calls itself makes me sick. 🤮

  4. Suffering from gender dysphoria, a recognized mental illness found in Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5. Dude needs a psychiatrist instead of a national position making public health decisions. What on earth does he see when he looks in a mirror??

  5. To think, these are the people we have chosen as our rulers and leaders.

    And on every level form local to State to Federal.

    I doubt we have much time left, history shows decent into decadence and perversion always leads to destruction (and usually at the hands of someone with stricter and more rigidly enforced moral code of one variety or another).

  6. Why didn’t millions of women protest when this thing was appointed? This keeps getting worse because everybody is afraid to do anything. Democrats have cowed us into jelly with their iron fist.

  7. I don’t care if it is Common Core, Gender studies or this perverted shit, there is absolutely no question in my mind that it a concerted effort on the part of the Left to confuse, confound, hamstring, cripple, impair or otherwise fuck up the next generation!!





  9. Who you gonna believe the lying leftist fascists or your own lyin’ eyes ??

    Anyone that can look at that looney toon physician (Tulane Med School must just bristle with pride) and think it has a valid POV can strip naked and join it in bed and tell us how it went.

  10. This is the little shit who as boss of the PA health system pulled his mummy out of a nursing home and slapped her into a nice safe hotel while leaving the Whuflu free to bump off all of the “not my mommies” he didn’t care about.

  11. I sent a pic of this person to a friend of mine that does not watch any news (smart actually) and he absolutely lost it. He could not believe that this person was a health expert.

    He told me he does not regret not having kids.

  12. Science deniers!!!
    There are only 2 sexes-
    Everything else is a bad genetics.

    There is no such things as chicks with dicks,
    All there is and ever will be is dudes with boobs!

  13. …there’s little I can say about this insane perverted man that wouldn’t get me arrested, so I’ll have to say I fervently hope that the Lord gives this sick fuck to satan as quickly as possible so maybe he can’t destroy OTHER children with the same lie his lunacy makes him tell himself.

    …things like this make me wish the Antichrist would declare himself, at least there’d be a single target then…The Pedophile Usurper fraudulently occupying the White House has encouraged so many of these cockroaches to come out of the woodwork that if one was taken out, a dozen more could take its place, but even he is nothing but the witless tool of the TRUE evil yet to be revealed…

    …these scumbags may be tools, but they are willing tools that delight in doing evil. I understand that God doesn’t damn them, certainly not at MY command, but I would fervently ask that He accepts their actions as damning themselves, and send them to where such evil belongs.

    It would be salubrious to society if they were sent on their way, but that, like the fact that I will not respect, obey, or ever accept the Pedophile as president, is all I’m going to say about that.

    God damn them to hell.

  14. Does anyone else think that this dude has a remarkable resemblance to Ward Churchill (if you don’t remember him, look him up), and have they ever been seen together? Coincidence? I think not.

  15. A rabid perv deviant as a health care official in the Xiden administration. Surprise! Surprise! NOT. Normal doesn’t apply to fake, fraudulent squatters in the White House.

    God said it’s better a milestone be tied around this freak’s neck and cast into the sea than for him to harm “little ones” – children.

    Dr. Tootsie’s looking at a hellish eternity. He is beyond redemption, since he’s so wicked and gleefully deep in sin.

  16. He was married to a woman and has two children who deny any knowledge of him.

    He has his twig & berries attached, though they’re now ravaged by hormones.

    There’s a rumor that he took voice lessons from Fran Drescher to sound more like a woman. When that didn’t work out, he enlisted Alex Borstein for help and now sounds like Lois from FAMILY GUY.

    He was drafted to play Ben Franklin on Broadway, but the pandemic prematurely snuffed out that opportunity.

    He is reportedly a prison pen-pal of Penn State’s Jerry Sandusky.

    He is all atwitter about being in Biden’s cabinet and is washing his golden locks with lavender rinse for four years of Presidential sniffings.


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