Newsom’s Recall Proves Lockdown Rage Is A Growing Bipartisan Force – IOTW Report

Newsom’s Recall Proves Lockdown Rage Is A Growing Bipartisan Force


President Joe Biden decided to wade into the debate over recalling California Gov. Gavin Newsom recently, pledging the White House’s full support for the embattled governor.

In some ways, this makes sense: the head of the Democratic Party standing up for another leading Democrat in a state that leans left. In fact, Biden owes Newsom more than he realizes, as Newsom was first to implement strong government lockdowns last spring, effectively neutering Bernie Sanders’s campaign and ushering in the basement campaign that led Biden to the White House.

Yet while the California recall may have been started by Trump supporters, it isn’t about Donald Trump or partisan politics. It’s about holding Newsom accountable for a year’s worth of arbitrary lockdown orders that have crushed the economy and cut people off from each other.

It’s about a homeless crisis that is spiraling out of control, despite voters passing billions of dollars of new taxes to solve it. It’s about a government that has decided to aggressively punish lawful businesses during the pandemic while releasing convicts back onto the streets. read more

13 Comments on Newsom’s Recall Proves Lockdown Rage Is A Growing Bipartisan Force

  1. I’ve mentioned before that one morning dog walks my upper-middle-class lib neighborhood is populated by homeowners who just love to virtue signal by placing woke signs on their yards. Lately, I’ve noticed “open our schools, now” signs, the first chink in the armor.

    After one whole year of not following the science, parents of all political persuasions have had enough. If Newsom does get the hook, this issue more than any other will be his undoing.

  2. I hope it’s finally turning to bipartisan now that the election is done.
    I think our side let the leftists & MSM frame the argument as a left/right issue instead of a freedom issue.
    We dropped the ball.
    They weaponized covid and ALL info, media, internet, about it.
    They had TOTAL messaging control.
    HELL! WE TROTTED OUT FAUCI and the fucking scarf lady!!

    The election was stolen but it wouldn’t have been possible without covid and some poor decisions of the republican party.

    I hope these motherfuckers are indeed waking up!

  3. Newsom’s recall won’t be all that meaningful is he is replaced by another Left wing totalitarian who has the same attitudes about government and the people he has.

    Which wouldn’t surprise me since it’s California we’re talking about.

  4. I gave the American people until April Fools Day 2020 to have started tar and feathering politicians over this shit. Boy was I wrong. I underestimated the capacity for abuse of the American public by at least an order of magnitude.

  5. The left seems to be in total control, certainly they can find some Judge, a quirk in the law or a Biden Executive order to save Newsom at the last hour. I’ve lost all faith in America, can’t you tell??

  6. ….neutering Bernie Sanders’s campaign and ushering in the basement campaign that led Biden to the White House.

    That wasn’t the reason obiden got elected. Voter fraud was. Stolen election. And don’t let THEM forget either. I’m sick of conservative talk shows shrugging this off and accepting it.

  7. “…effectively neutering Bernie Sanders’s campaign and ushering in the basement campaign that led Biden to the White House.”

    Let’s cut the bullshit. There was no “basement campaign” that led Biden to the White house, it was FRAUD.

  8. @Rich Taylor

    “I’ve noticed “open our schools, now” signs, the first chink in the armor.”

    You wrote “chink.” That’s pretty racist of you, sneaking in a derogatory term about Asians. They shouldn’t be made fun of. ROR!


  9. Yea blm, antiquufa, occupy, proud boyz, bikers, KKK
    all join forces and run Nuisance out of Cali on a
    &UCKING RAIL !!!!!!! after the tar & feather…

  10. This guy Newsom isn’t just a corrupt POS (his wineries were open when all other wineries in CA were ordered closed because of covid), he’s actually incredibly incompetent, and a psychopath. Like that other sicko Gretchen Whitmer, he took the sickest of pleasures in abusing the power vested in him. There isn’t a picture of him not smiling when he threw his weight around against the people of the state.


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