Once-secret FBI informant reports reveal wider-ranging operation to spy on Trump campaign – IOTW Report

Once-secret FBI informant reports reveal wider-ranging operation to spy on Trump campaign

Just The News-

Once-secret reports show the FBI effort to spy on the Trump campaign was far wider than previously disclosed, as agents directed an undercover informant to make secret recordings, pressed for intelligence on numerous GOP figures, and sought to find “anyone in the Trump campaign” with ties to Russia who could acquire dirt “damaging to Hillary Clinton.”

The now-declassified operational handling reports for FBI confidential human source Stefan Halper — codenamed “Mitch” — provide an unprecedented window both into the tactics used by the bureau to probe the Trump campaign and the wide dragnet that was cast to target numerous high-level officials inside the GOP campaign just weeks before Americans chose their next president in the November 2016 election.

 Among the revelations, the memos make clear that:

  • Almost immediately after the FBI opened a Russia collusion probe on July 31, 2016 narrowly focused on the foreign lobbying of a single Trump campaign aide named George Papadopoulos, agents pressed Halper for information on more than a half dozen other figures, including future Attorney General Jeff Sessions, foreign policy adviser Sam Clovis, campaign chairman Paul Manafort, economic adviser Peter Navarro, future National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and campaign adviser Carter Page.
  • Halper provided significant exculpatory evidence to the FBI — including transcripts of conversations he recorded of targeted Trump advisers providing statements of innocence — that was never disclosed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that approved a year of surveillance targeting the Trump campaign, and specifically Page.


4 Comments on Once-secret FBI informant reports reveal wider-ranging operation to spy on Trump campaign

  1. And you thought J Edgar Hoover was bad? When President Trump gets re-elected the first thing he needs to do is fire as many people as possible who work for the Federal government and start from scratch.
    Systemic racism is a crock. Systemic corruption is what’s killing our Country.

  2. The majority of the people will never know about this, and if they did they either would approve of it or not care about it.

    This is the condition our country is in today.


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