Lost inside the space in his own head – IOTW Report

Lost inside the space in his own head

Ignored by Fake News Media: Joe Biden Is Completely LOST in Texas Even with His Handler in Tow (VIDEO)

28 Comments on Lost inside the space in his own head

  1. That “Dr” Jill lets this go on just shows how vile she is.

    Some love story when you let your obviously failing spouse continue to make a fool of himself .

    She cares only about herself and is destroying the country to be sure she is in the spotlight

  2. We need Robbie the Robot to say, “Danger Will Robinson”, like in that lousy TV program Lost In Space. Or have the critics from MST300 show up at his every speech to mock him incessantly and mercilessly. Throw in the 2 old curmudgeons Statler and Waldorf from the Muppet Show and you have a deal.

  3. According to Doctor Google 110,000+ Covid deaths since fraudster biden became president.
    Trump had 400,000 covid deaths on his watch in 1 year.
    Biden 110,000 covid deaths in 5 weeks!
    That’s a 27.5 % INCREASE under biden in 5 weeks.
    How’s that biden covid plan working out for America

    Democrats lie & cheat.
    Republicans are weak.

  4. Close enough, and Forbidden Planet is still and always will be a classic sci fi movie. Maybe we should also use Marvin the Paranoid Android from The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy or HAL from 2001, “Joey, I saw what you said and did and it’s time to terminate you before your stupidity infects the entire country.”

  5. Anyone want to predict how much longer they can keep up this charade of him being in charge? I think Obama is giving the orders. This is a very dangerous situation we find ourselves in.

  6. “Yet, more and more, it looks like Harris is being pushed into the background while Jill Biden is really pulling the strings. Not only does she routinely act as the President’s crutch during interviews, she’s now interrupting him to articulate policy in language that makes it seem a lot like she’s in charge.

    This is some awkward, awkward stuff.”


  7. I was up at 3 AM this morning and watched Gunga Din with Cary Grant on TCM, great movie. I love most of the old movies on TCM, there’s almost always something good to watch. And TRF I’m with you on Forbidden Planet, It Came From Outer Space, The Day The Earth Stood Still, Them, the original B&W Invasion Of The Body Snatchers etc. And Noir Alley with Eddie Mueller.

  8. TSUNAMI FEBRUARY 27, 2021 AT 10:20 AM


    Your robot reference is wrong. That’s all. Robby the robot wasn’t in Lost in Space. Robby was in Forbidden Planet.

    You are correct. But for sake of trivia, Robby WAS in two episodes of Lost in Space.


    “It is more than a machine…it is a robotoid,” said Robot B-9 about the robotoid in the Lost in Space episode “War of the Robots.” As in Forbidden Planet, Robby could replicate or repair items such as Maureen Robinson’s watch. Robby the Robot appeared in two Lost in Space episodes, in “War of the Robots,” where Will finds and repairs him, and in “Condemned of Space” as a guard equipped with a freezing gun aboard the prison ship. Robby the Robot was created by Robert Kinoshita at the MGM Prop Department in 1955 for the movie Forbidden Planet. Kinoshita also created the B9 Robot for Lost in Space. In “War of the Robots,” a Robotoid is described as being a robot with the additional faculty of independent decision making, regardless of programming.

  9. Jill should be ashamed, if she even has that capability, for what she is doing to her husband. She wanted to live in the White House so bad, that she allowed the left to use him even though he was no longer cognitively able to function.

    I hope she goes down in history as an elder abuse perpetrator.

  10. Biden is an idiot. He keeps saying “man”, as in “hey man”, “look man”, etc. He must be flashing back to 1968. The old prick is deep into senility.

    He’s so far gone he will only stumble around, trip, and break things.

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