New York Nixon – IOTW Report

New York Nixon

Is this worse than Watergate?

13 Comments on New York Nixon

  1. Cuomo get’s his best Nixon impression on.
    Dianny hits another home run.
    Another scum bag Democrat gets off easy when he/she should get his ass dragged over broken glass. These are weird and unjust times.

  2. The “Left” will defend him to the death. Bet on it.
    His euthanasic policies are the same as those espoused by the National Socialists, the Inter-National Socialists, and the Demonrats through their version of Mengele, Zeke Emanuel.
    Regardless of the results of his boorish behavior towards women, he’ll be hailed as the man who “showed the country the way to the future!”

    Mandatory death sentences of the elderly could never be far behind acceptance of death sentences of infants.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “The “Left” will defend him to the death. Bet on it.”

    Only if it serves to further their purposes and agenda to defend him, they have no problem at all destroying one of their own when it will do the job better than defending him.

  4. You have to love the oh so carefully crafted non-apology apologies Demonrats always trot out after the lawyers, fixers, and poll testers have designed it.

    Always the sane format: “I’m so sorry you were too stupid to realize I was not being stupid…

    I agree with the theory that this is white noise to keep him from being jailed for deliberately euthanizing Trump voters.

    He will resign himself into more money and fame than he has now by agreeing to fall on the harassment sword.

  5. According to Doctor Google 113,000+ Covid deaths since fraudster biden became president.
    Trump had 400,000 covid deaths on his watch in 1 year.
    Biden 113,000 covid deaths in 5 weeks!
    That’s a 28.25 % INCREASE under biden in 5 weeks.

    Democrats lie & cheat.
    Republicans are weak.

  6. Your laugh of the day.

    “Governor Cuomo and New York State are leading the nation with new laws to combat sexual harassment in the workplace. On August 12, 2019, Governor Cuomo signed legislation that strengthened protections against discrimination and harassment under the New York State Human Rights Law. These protections supplement the laws that the Governor signed in April 2019 as part of his 2019 Women’s Agenda.


  7. is cuomo in trouble?

    ha ha ha

    is hillary in jail?
    did epstein kill himself?
    did bill clinton not have sex with that women?
    was seth rich being robbed when he was shot?
    did biden win the last election?
    did joe biden not know of hunters dealings?
    is dr jill a real medical doctor?

    will cuomo go to jail for killing 10k of his burdensome retirement drawing voters?


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