New York Times Reporter Donald McNeil Says Paper Twisted His Arm Into Resigning – IOTW Report

New York Times Reporter Donald McNeil Says Paper Twisted His Arm Into Resigning


Former New York Times reporter Donald McNeil says he was pushed out of the paper by Dean Baquet, the Times’s executive editor, even though Baquet conceded that the allegations against McNeil were baseless.

Baquet allegedly told McNeil, “I know you’re not a racist,” but encouraged him to resign anyway because he had “lost the newsroom.” “We’re not firing you,” Baquet said. “We’re asking you to consider resigning.” McNeil, whose work on the coronavirus pandemic is being considered for a Pulitzer Prize, recounted the incident in a Medium post on Monday.

The post confirms what several Times insiders had alleged: Although McNeil technically resigned of his own volition, he was under intense pressure to do so. When the star science reporter asked for details about the allegations, Baquet was silent. “It felt like an attempt to intimidate me,” McNeil wrote.

The conversation occurred a few days after the Daily Beast reported that McNeil said the n-word while chaperoning high school students in Peru. One student had asked him if her classmate should have been suspended for using the word, and McNeil, requesting context, uttered it aloud himself. Baquet had initially reprimanded McNeil for his “extremely poor judgment” but stopped short of firing him. It was only after the Daily Beast report that McNeil was pushed out. read more

5 Comments on New York Times Reporter Donald McNeil Says Paper Twisted His Arm Into Resigning

  1. Nigger, Nigger, Nigger, Nigger.


    See – nobody dies when you say it, folks. It’s just a word, like any other in the English language. I’ve heard it uttered thousands of times in my lifetime, and so have you. Mostly by Blacks, ironically.

    If Black rappers and comedians (e.g., Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, etc.) can say it, then so can I. In fact, to deny me the right to say it because of my skin color is by definition racist. Think about it.

    It’s time everyone of any color started using racial epithets in their everyday conversations just to show the social justice freaks they can’t control our freedom of speech.

    That’s this one Honky’s opinion, anyway.

    Maybe some of you Niggers, Kikes, Wops, Polacks, and Spics will agree with me.

    Oops – almost left out the Gooks. Some of my best friends are Gooks.


  2. Pretty soon you won’t be allowed to say the word “n-word”

    Taken to it’s ultimate conclusion, all words beginning with the letter “n” will be banned

    This is what happens when you allow ASSHOLES to tell you what to do, say, think and feel


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