All of Cuomo’s [Alleged] Harassment Victims Just Misunderstood Him – IOTW Report

All of Cuomo’s [Alleged] Harassment Victims Just Misunderstood Him

See? That’s all. Women are soooo stuupid!11!!

18 Comments on All of Cuomo’s [Alleged] Harassment Victims Just Misunderstood Him

  1. For 30 years, I supervised 5 or 6 women in my department of 20. I never sexually harassed any of them, nor did any of them “misinterpret” any of my “innocent remarks” as flirtation. But then, maybe I just hired smarter women.

  2. A pig, is a pig, is a pig.
    Once a pig, always a pig.

    That includes the father and the sons! All of them- FILTHY PIGS!
    I can only imagine the type of woman, the quality within she must NOT possess to be with such fucking pigs.

  3. In today’s (transitional) political environment; aggressive sexual proclivities are chastisable traits that the Left uses to deflect from the real cause of scrutiny. The ‘jackals’ are feigning attack only to protect Cuomo from the fact that he is a mass murder. Nothing the Left can do or say will change that.

  4. I read that the reason the dems are ganging up on cumo on the sex charges is to take the subject off of cumo killing all those people in the nursing homes while democrats cheered him on for doing a great job.

  5. That’s the typical Democrat mantra: anything a Republican man does is sexual harassment. Anything a Democrat man is never stood or is deemed not to be harassment because that’s not what he “intended.” That’s what happened to Washington governor Mike Lowrey in the ‘90’s. His actions were found not to be “harassment” because it was not his “intention” to harass.

  6. @Gonad the B-you win the interweb today. Dianny has an especially insightful take on this. To take him down due to the thousands of people he killed would reflect poorly on all his sycophants (Biden, Fauci, Psaki, the MSM, et al) who were holding him up as a rock star and the gold standard of leadership. Way too much collateral damage. Instead, they need a limited surgical strike that takes only Cuomo out.

  7. Virtually everyone knows that the “me too” pig fuck being done on Fredo is to provide a meaningless dumpster fire news story to cover up the fact that the democrats who run NY, NJ, CT, and RI chose to kill thousands of their own citizens rather than utilize federal resources provided by President Trump, and thereby risk Trump getting credit for saving lives.

    Fuck the filthy democrat party now and forever. And fuck these moronic bitches jumping on the bandwagon on queue. “(sob!)… He told me to eat my sausage hoagie faster!… (sob!)”… STFU.

  8. The nursing home death numbers must be much higher than anyone would suspect for this to be running above the fold.
    Cuomo’s done, you can stick a fork in it…

    Draw you attention back to the nursing home covid deaths that’s the real story. And even more people are involved….

  9. The Demonrats deliberately planned, coordinated, and executed (no pun intended) the nursing home directives to murder as many PDJT supporters as possible. At least 5 Democrat Govs conspired to implement this satanic homicide of defenseless seniors. Even going so far as to not allow testing for China Flu before transfer.

    They are all now prolific serial killers who have indemnified themselves from prosecution by hiding behind emergency powers.

    The Demonrats are in a panic as they saw the focus shifting to other Governors like Witless in Michigan, so they let loose the shiny squirrel of sexual harassment to get everyone off the hook.

    Cumhole will fall on his sword and emerge to a predetermined payoff from the cabal, sacrificing his political ambitions for lucrative book deals, paid appearances,and media money after a short period of rehabilitation.

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