Cop-Hating Portland City Councilor Involved in Hit-and-Run Accident – IOTW Report

Cop-Hating Portland City Councilor Involved in Hit-and-Run Accident


On Wednesday, Portland City Councilor Jo Ann Hardesty was reportedly involved in a hit-and-run accident. According to Incident Report #2021-57962, police responded to a complaint in which a teacher reported that Hardesty had rear-ended her vehicle earlier in the evening before driving away. The news was broken first by the Coalition to Save Portland. According to law enforcement sources, Hardesty may have been looking at her phone at the time of the accident.

According to the incident report, Hardesty was traveling in a late-model tan-colored sedan, possibly a Toyota Corolla, when she collided with the rear end of another vehicle. Hardesty failed to remain at the scene of the accident. The owner of the second vehicle was able to make it home and call the non-emergency number to file a report with Portland Police.

As a Portland city councilor, Hardesty will clearly have some explaining to do. MORE

30 Comments on Cop-Hating Portland City Councilor Involved in Hit-and-Run Accident

  1. My initial reaction to every time I see this bitches picture is “Crack whore”. I’m not wrong. The voters of Portland get what they deserve. I hope ANTIFABLM burns that shit to the ground this summer. I’ll supply the matches.

  2. @Brad Stuff is starting up again out here-weather is improving-so it’s time to march in March. March 6 there are posts about “burn it down” and another set for the 12th. Looks like a nationwide effort.

    Just because SloJo is in the White House doesn’t mean this nonsense stops I guess. Can the Dems herd cats?

  3. Illustr8r

    Home Land Security is issuing memos to LE that Antifa and BLZm have been “training” during the winter and the shits gonna hit the fan over the summer. I got that from a detective with our local sheriffs department and I’ve read it several places on the web. Arm up, they’re focusing on Trump supporters and they have the data. If you contributed to Trump it’s public record.

  4. @Brad
    OMG-really? I’m not surprised exactly but it’s inconceivable to me that the country is so far gone and that half the people who live here are okay with it.

  5. If the woman who’s auto was hit filed a complaint it’s because she’s racist!

    Didn’t that city counsel bitch host “Tales from the crypt” a few years back?

  6. Fail to remain & careless driving are pretty significant traffic offenses. Insists that the charges be filed as such. That should effect her insurance nicely enough to reduce her funds available for crack.

  7. Placing my original comment here will only get me in trouble identifying me as a terrible racist. And so instead I’m going to help her look for the spear and shield she put down to serve the “home brew” liquid to the city council. It’s an old family recipe that was very popular “back in the day.”

  8. Kcir
    MARCH 5, 2021 AT 7:37 AM
    “Fail to remain & careless driving are pretty significant traffic offenses. Insists that the charges be filed as such. That should effect her insurance nicely enough to reduce her funds available for crack.”

    …haha, you think liberals bother with insurance, or licenses, or following laws n rayciss stuff like that…


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