Conflict of interest? Senators probe Capitol riot they experienced as victims, witnesses – IOTW Report

Conflict of interest? Senators probe Capitol riot they experienced as victims, witnesses

Former NYPD commissioner questions whether senators can appropriately investigate a situation they were intimately involved in.

9 Comments on Conflict of interest? Senators probe Capitol riot they experienced as victims, witnesses

  1. The people arrested are POLITICAL PRISONERS, the FBI is the GESTAPO, the press is PRAVDA, ANTIFA is the SS and the Congress is the POLITBURO. And it’s going to get worse.

  2. …that would be almost as absurd as a voting Senator in the Democrat party, say Sen. Patrick J. Leahy, for example, sitting is as Judge at the impeachment trial of an opposition party President and then voting to convict after being the Judge in the same unconstitutional trial he’s on the jury in.

    …but we all know THAT could never happen, nicht wahr?

    …yep, sure am glad we’re not so far gone that stuff like THAT could NEVER happen, otherwise we’d have to seriously think about how dry that Tree of Liberty is looking and do something ABOUT it, so it’s a good thing it isn’t that stupid yet, yup, yup…/s

  3. What “RIOT”.

    Where was the looting, vandalizing, burning, assaulting. Three windows broken by some shouting leftist/FBI infiltrators/instigators and some empty water bottles discarded on the floor, while peaceful gawkers walked through and around aimlessly after being let in by Capitol police is not a friggin’ “riot.”

  4. A tempest in a teacup.
    Nothing happened. It was another of those farcical staged ballets for the press.
    There was some collateral damage, but nobody important.

    And any time Congress “investigates” any thing, the purpose is to preen while bloviating and muddy the waters of understanding.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Why is anyone surprised at another monkey show investigation.

    The demoncrats DO NOT GIVE A DAMN about justice, due process, the Bill of Rights or the Constitution.

    The last time America was governed by an insane ruler led to revolution. Buckle your seatbelts.

    And send a thank you note to the congressional zoo we call congress for the $600 rent relief, which DIDN’T pay rent, but which may cover the increasing gas prices for about a month. Jackasses:perfect mascot.

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