San Francisco Camera Crew Robbed at Gunpoint While Covering Auto Thefts – IOTW Report

San Francisco Camera Crew Robbed at Gunpoint While Covering Auto Thefts


KPIX reporter Don Ford was robbed of his camera Wednesday at gunpoint while filming a segment on auto break-ins around Twin Peaks.

The robbers drove up, got out of their car, pointed a Glock at the KPIX reporter and stole his camera. More

9 Comments on San Francisco Camera Crew Robbed at Gunpoint While Covering Auto Thefts

  1. Bobcat
    S.F. is such a shit hole. Every ccw instructor in California tells their student don’t carry in SF. They’ll confiscate your weapon permit or not. Unless you’re a dirt bag robbing people, then it’s fine. Stupid ass holes outlawed hollow points and defensive rounds in the city limits. Meaning you would need to use hard ball. Which ricochets off shit, goes right thru most solid barriers. I guess hollow points sound scary or something. But the asshole that implemented a lot of this crazy shit is the new DA down in LA who’s about to get recalled.

  2. Illustrative of every lib run big city in America; the cops don’t police, the DA’s don’t prosecute, the thugs own the streets. This robbery was probably among 30 others that occurred there today, business as usual.

    I live 35 minutes away and haven’t been to that shit hole in 20 years. Only the tourists (and dumb ass cameramen) are victimized, the residents there don’t own cars, live in mass security condos, work from home, and have all their food Doordashed. They are too stupid to realize they live in a prison of their own making.

  3. Rich Taylor

    I now a guy that drove through that shit hole with his family on the way to Peteluma recently. All the major luxury hotels are boarder up, including the Fairmont. Homeless all over the place. He’s a native Californian and was shocked. A Libtard utopia. And everyone’s going broke because of the RONA. Stupid sheep.

  4. And yet the residents keep electing those crazy leftist leaders. All they have to do is go outside and look around; listen to the gunshots, look at all the decay and misery surrounding them, yet this is the life they chose.

    I’ve often wondered why those scientists at Stanford Medical Center don’t load up a couple of vans, drive into The City, trank about a dozen residents then take them back to the lab for cranial dissection. Once liberalism is classified as a disease maybe they can find a cure.


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