Laura Loomer’s lawsuit over ‘discriminatory’ Big Tech hits Supreme Court – IOTW Report

Laura Loomer’s lawsuit over ‘discriminatory’ Big Tech hits Supreme Court

Freedom First Network: A case challenging the “discriminatory” practices of Big Tech in America is up for review by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Article by Bob Unruh from WND.

The complaint filed by Laura Loomer, a conservative activist and political candidate, and Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch accuses the companies of “anti-competitive, discriminatory practices” that violate the Constitution.

The court website shows the case is scheduled to be heard Friday after it had been scheduled for two previous conferences.

Loomer and Klayman challenged Twitter, Apple, Facebook and Google in antitrust litigation several years before former Attorney General William Barr raised the issue.

They argue the Big Tech companies’ platforms are a “place of public accommodation,” meaning they are not allowed to censor conservative content.

Klayman, a former federal prosecutor who was on the trial team that broke up the AT&T monopoly, previously said the case asks the court “to overturn the dismissal of their class action complaint against social media companies for restraint of trade, attempted monopolization and illegal political discrimination in a public forum against conservatives, libertarians and people of faith, as the law in the District of Columbia forbids such discrimination.” read more

6 Comments on Laura Loomer’s lawsuit over ‘discriminatory’ Big Tech hits Supreme Court

  1. “anti-competitive, discriminatory practices” that violate the Constitution. The Constitution they swore to uphold while they had their fingers crossed behind their backs.

  2. …Big Tech has the biggest platforms for the most efficient distribution of those child molesting pictures that they apparently have of Robert’s.

    Roberts knows that.

    Case dismissed.

  3. Forgot the name of the liberal Chief the leftist President apointed 16 years ago. But given his lifetime liberal rulings I predict Lara and Larry lose!

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