Republicans Pressure Biden To Bring Home Former Marine Imprisoned By Russia – IOTW Report

Republicans Pressure Biden To Bring Home Former Marine Imprisoned By Russia


House Republicans are putting increased pressure on the Biden administration to rescue a former Marine who has spent more than a year in a Russian prison following what officials have called a “show trial.”

Reps. Michael McCaul (R., Texas) and August Pfluger (R. Texas) introduced a resolution Wednesday night that calls for the immediate release of Texas native Trevor Reed, whom Russia sentenced to nine years in prison for assaulting a police officer in 2019, a crime Reed and his legal team say he did not commit. The U.S. ambassador’s office described Reed’s sentencing as a show trial, and Moscow destroyed video evidence from the night in question, according to Reed’s spokesman.

Joey and Paula Reed, the parents of Trevor Reed, told the Washington Free Beacon that the Biden administration should take immediate action to bring their son home. The Reeds say Trevor has been mistreated in prison, where he often experiences delays in medical supplies, and was forbidden from taking phone calls with his family for the first 14 months of his imprisonment. Russian authorities also delayed medical examinations of Reed and did not offer him food or water for days at a time.

“He’s had some medical issues, the embassy has had to fight to get him any kind of treatment. If you need a Motrin it will take you a week for them to get it,” Joey Reed said. “It has been a very difficult year and a half.” more here

1 Comment on Republicans Pressure Biden To Bring Home Former Marine Imprisoned By Russia

  1. “Beyond Reed, other families of detained Americans worldwide are asking for more attention from the Biden administration and general public”.

    Fat chance. Biden couldn’t even be bothered to reach out to our ally Bibi. Kamala had to do the dirty.

    Trump brought home more Americans from around the world, of which he never received genuine recognition.
    I guess some hostages are more important than others, right Bergdahl? (Who btw is petitioning to have his slap on the wrist overturned, b’cause…Trump). Freedom isn’t sufficient for him, he wants his rank 💵💵 reinstated.

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