Reporter Confronts Press Sec Chuckie Over Biden Hiding From The Media—Her Response Says It All – IOTW Report

Reporter Confronts Press Sec Chuckie Over Biden Hiding From The Media—Her Response Says It All

A reporter confronted Psaki about Biden failing to hold one solo press conference since he became president.

25 Comments on Reporter Confronts Press Sec Chuckie Over Biden Hiding From The Media—Her Response Says It All

  1. 3 criteria must be met:

    1) He must be having a “Good Day”, be well rested, with no sign confusion or sun downing.

    2) There must not be any important news or serious issues for 2 days that have not already been addressed and resolved by the mainstream media.

    3) He must already gone to the bathroom for #2 to avoid the “Hey who shit my pants problem?” <— (stole this on from another member)

    "Dr." Jill will let us know when all 3 criteria have been met.

  2. He’s so laser focused on the covid vaccine and jobs jobs jobs that he can’t do anything else? Hell, he can’t even focus on where he is and what he’s supposed to be doing, let alone two democrat created “crises”.

    And the press says, oh, okay I was just kinda wondering – no big deal, whenever he’s ready…

  3. She is full of SHIT! The first and foremost important thing a President can do, especially during their so-called “unprecedented crisis'” is to address and inform the people. It’s called communication! Jackass Joe can’t even organize a two car parade or a 12 word sentence let alone an economic plan for crying out loud!! Stop pissing on my head and telling me it’s just raining Pee Saki!!

  4. Biden is busy in his office working on Covid, trying to figure out how to mobilize as many potential leftist voters as possible through our open border- while businesses are closed. Covid is not a consideration whatsoever. It is an overblown flu epidemic that has been leveraged.
    We’ve been had.

  5. “He is working to make sure there are enough vaccines, which were rolled out in November because of President Trump’s actions, in the country by May for everyone — especially to the illegal aliens who will be given first priority so they are able to go to work for less than the minimum wage that we want to impose so people who are here legally lose their jobs and so small businesses are closed so the big businesses that support the Democratic Party can thrive.”

  6. Pelisi is grooming harris in the wings. Pelosi will be running our country. Hence, the mob of soldiers brought into DC.

    They’re grearing up for martial law, and arrests of conservative lawmakers in DC.

  7. She meant to say, “scamdemic” and those 10 million job losses were directly the result of that “scamdemic.

    Before all of this horseshit Trump ‘s economy was growing gangbusters while simultaneously destroying the Deep State cabal by leaps and bounds.

    Trump, by any definition, is still more popular with the people that elected him to a second term.

    The Deep State knows the truth and the American people (even the libtards) know who really won. THAT’s why there’s a fence and the troops still there at the capitol.

  8. They keep him away from reporters because they know that sooner or later he’s going to slip up and admit the election was stolen. As vacant and dim witted as he is he’s still astonished he’s president.

  9. Come on, Jen. You have a friendly media who will carry the banner for you. All opposition has been thoroughly dehumanized and dismissed. This should be easy.

    Why can’t Joe be out front?

  10. It’s a simple little system any Lib can understand.
    The problems as we list them are all Trump’s doing to our land.
    It’s a simple little system we take credit for all his last success.
    We can’t let anyone know that we’re really doing far far less.

    The same game as always played for graft, gain and treason.
    We can always be bought for the smallest amount or reason.
    It’s amazing that they buy it without a single complaint.
    But then they are progressives and the smart ones they ain’t.

    We’ll circle back and fake an answer to watch them lap it up.
    While the puppeteers and Pedo Joe all tip their fully filled cup.
    Give them just a pittance and keep the best and most for us.
    We’ll hide in castles, ride in limos and let them take the bus.

    It’s a simple little system that we’ve improved on every single day.
    We own the judges and the law so we’ll never be made to pay.
    So stop playing so hard to get as you’ve cashed in all your chips.
    You can’t expect to find the truth or hear honesty pass from our lips.

    Apologies to “The Bells Are Ringing” & “A Simple Little System.”

  11. Biden:

    Every day I have to pinch myself and slap my own face to remind myself I am the damned President of the United States. See the scars on my left arm, see the redness of the right side of my face? It’s real, folks.

    Lots of people, heck, probably millions of people have told me to my face that I am stupid, and much too dumb to be president.

    Well, the one who last laughs best laughs the most of all the people who laughed first, and laughs louder than all the people who didn’t laugh last but laughed louder than all the people who laughed first but didn’t laugh very loud.

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