Senate narrowly passes COVID relief bill after sleepless, tumultuous night – IOTW Report

Senate narrowly passes COVID relief bill after sleepless, tumultuous night

FOX: The Senate on Saturday narrowly passed  Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief plan following a marathon overnight session in a key vote that puts new stimulus checks and expanded unemployment checks one step closer to the pockets of the American public.

Following 27 hours of debate, delays and wrangling, Democrats pushed through the legislation in a party-line vote of 50-49. The legislation now heads back to the House for final approval before hitting Biden’s desk for his signature on what would be his first major legislative victory.

Democrats, who have the slimmest of majorities in the Senate, were united in passing the legislation that they say will help rescue the economy and end the coronavirus pandemic that has claimed more than 520,000 lives.


9 Comments on Senate narrowly passes COVID relief bill after sleepless, tumultuous night

  1. #ChinaBitchMitch is already crying like Chuck Shroomer about its passage. Whaddya expect #ChinaBitchMitch when you don’t stand up against election fraud? What a bloodly plonker.

  2. Joe Blow certainly will not even attempt to read it. Nasty Nan will pull out her “Obamacare crap” line’
    We have to sign it to see what’s in it. If she. is there much longer, she will be mummified in place.

  3. It’s titled Coronavirus relief and 9%, a measly 9% goes toward corovirus relief. Imagine a 9% hamburger called a hamburger? 9% is sales tax. This should be called Democrat Bailout Galore.


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