Texas Deploys National Guard to Protect Against Open-Border Biden’s Lunacy, Massive Human Trafficking, Drug Smuggling – IOTW Report

Texas Deploys National Guard to Protect Against Open-Border Biden’s Lunacy, Massive Human Trafficking, Drug Smuggling


We have previously reported on the disastrous open-border Biden immigration policy and the fact that illegal immigration is intentionally “soaring” under Biden’s immigration policies which have no interest in America’s national sovereignty.  We also discussed that it intentionally creates disparities between illegal alien criminals and actual American citizens concerning Covid.

We have also discussed the alarming anti-white eugenicist bent that Biden and his operatives seem to exhibit consistently related to immigration.

In addition to all of this, The Wuhan CCP Virus is also spreading via illegal aliens who come to America and are released via Biden’s policies.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott appears to have taken note of these alarming policies and is taking matters into his own hands to protect Texas’ national border. read more

5 Comments on Texas Deploys National Guard to Protect Against Open-Border Biden’s Lunacy, Massive Human Trafficking, Drug Smuggling

  1. It’s good to see states acting on their own. Maybe out of all this we can start acting like a union of states again instead of one totalitarian federal government.

  2. The primary duty of the federal government is to secure the security of our nation. If they can’t do that, then what good are they? Washington needs a massive enema.


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