Biden to deliver primetime address this week – IOTW Report

Biden to deliver primetime address this week

If Nancy says it’s OK?

Sara A. Carter:

President Joe Biden will deliver his first primetime address as commander-in-chief to the nation Thursday evening to commemorate one year since the start of the coronavirus shutdowns.

At Monday’s press briefing, White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced the planned address and teased what the president will say.

“The president will deliver his first primetime address to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the COVID-19 shutdown on Thursday,” Psaki said. “He will discuss the many sacrifices the American people have made over the last year, and the grave loss communities and families across the country have suffered.”

“The president will look forward, highlighting the role that Americans will play in beating the virus and getting the country back to normal,” she added. read more

33 Comments on Biden to deliver primetime address this week

  1. I’m betting a solid nickel this does NOT happen.
    – There will be some issue that causes this SOTU address to be “delayed”

    I still say Biden won’t make it through March. Looking pretty good.

  2. hanoverfist
    MARCH 9, 2021 AT 9:47 AM
    “@ Badco

    It still involves Nazis”

    …and Joe’s even more of a pervert than Bob Crane (Hogan) was, so there’s that…

  3. So Biden will be giving a live address during the “sundowning” time of day.

    I may watch this just to see if what I’m hearing about his current condition deteriorating rapidly is true or not.

    Seems like nothing said by anyone on any side can be trusted without personally verifying it anymore, we are living in the age of deceit.

  4. Darn it, I will not be able to watch this puppet show tonight. I have a meeting with my friend Jack Daniels. He and I will discuss my future space exploration of Uranus.

  5. China’s military must be “prepared to respond” to complex and difficult situations as the country grapples with security challenges, President Xi Jinping said on Tuesday.
    Xi, who also heads the Central Military Commission, made the remarks at a panel discussion attended by armed forces representatives during the annual legislative sessions in Beijing

    “The current security situation of our country is largely unstable and uncertain,” Xi said. “The entire military must coordinate the relationship between capacity building and combat readiness, be prepared to respond to a variety of complex and difficult situations at any time, resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests, and provide strong support for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist state.”

  6. Hogan’s Heroes was the Ginchiest
    MARCH 9, 2021 AT 10:18 AM

    “I never heard Bob Crane was a pervert. Just insatiably horny.

    And he liked home movies.”

    …the videotaping was pretty pervy, and John Carpenter is said to “appear” on some of them, so that’s KINDA perry, which is why I said Joe’s MORE pervy…

    …and, whatever they said publicly, his estate never challenged THIS in court…

    …there’s degrees of perv. At least Crane’s partners were all consensual.

    And NOT children…

  7. He’s going to go on National TV and call for “unity” by blaming the last 2 months on Trump, Trump supporters, the “previous administration”, and Q-Anon. What a waste of time.

  8. According to Doctor Google 125,000+ Covid deaths since fraudster biden became president.
    Trump had 400,000 covid deaths on his watch in 1 year.
    Biden 125,000 covid deaths in just under 6 weeks!
    That’s a 31.25 % INCREASE under biden in under 6 weeks.
    Hows that biden plan working out for ya America?

    Democrats lie & cheat.
    Republicans are weak.

  9. Yo Joe Bama will be delivering a speech for Barry this week….
    Whatever night that is on, I have a prior engagement with anything else,
    Robo Joe is only a Pretendident.

  10. Did it say anywhere that the speech would be live? I’m betting pre-recorded and heavily edited. CG animation isn’t out of the question. No way do they put him live in front of a camera.

  11. So what time is prime time for ol’ uncle joey? Is it 9 AM in the morning because it sure as hell isn’t anytime after 5 to 6PM and especially when the Sun sets for the night. That’ s when the crazies come out and manifest themselves just like my mom did when she went batshit crazy after dark.


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