Pandora’s Box [The Remix] – IOTW Report

Pandora’s Box [The Remix]

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10 Comments on Pandora’s Box [The Remix]

  1. How many people have been lead to ignore and push away the truth for the deception that the new illegitimate regime has pandered to America?

    Will America recover or will Christ return first?

    God won’t allow corners to be cut nor the truth to be ignored.

  2. Here is something I am witnessing:

    I have told people that the filth, disgusting behavior, destruction and hate they are witnessing from the progressive movement is something for can fully appreciate.

    I have told them to look at the ceiling and think of the worst examples that a person or movement is capable of and make the ceiling the plane on which they that behavior. You simply cannot fathom anything worse.

    And then think back ten years and tell me how many of the behaviors that have become common place were below what you thought was the lower limit an entire segment of the population are engaging in.

    Guess what what you think is the absolute limit of homo sapien depravity is only a fraction of an inch below where you thought the limit was ten years ago.

    Their limit extends infinitely all the way to and past the center of the earth.

    Only observant people who have lived in close proximity to progressives have the first clue regarding this dynamic. As soon as they get a critical mass to accept this as the “new normal,” they will double down and descend to new depths in their deliberate, systematic and gratuitous destructive assault on The Good.

    Where does it stop? It doesn’t when a culture loses confidence in it’s morality and in the name of tolerance accepts the “new normal.”

    If ask to quantify God’s capacity for good the only answer is it is infinite. One can always aspire to be better and God is the only one who has it in him to never top out. With Satan, whose followers aspire to eliminate The Good there cannot be any good left or their thirst to eliminate it remains unslaked. What they are after is an absence of all goodness, that is their end game.

    They want total darkness and if there is so much as one candle lit anywhere there is total darkness they cannot tolerate it because there cannot be perfect darkness in the presence of any light whatsoever.

    Unfortunately when it comes to the progressive movement and their destructive impulse that yield has yielded unbelievable filth and degeneracy, you haven’t seen anything yet. What is unbelievable today will be tomorrow’s new normal and they are off to the races once again in their drive to shock the world and that dynamic will repeat until people have had enough and put a stop to it.

    Donald Trump is leading a counter movement and that is why they have such a hate on for him. HE was absolutely right, it is not him they are after what they are after is anyone who stands in their way.

    All goodness in mankind must be extinguished in order for them to have served their master. To serve their master is to extinguish all light until they get to that one candle in a world of darkness. It is only in extinguishing that little bit of light that they will ever be satisfied.

    Their capacity for evil and wickedness is infinite because wickedness and evil is an absence of The Good and God’s capacity for good being infinite… you do the math.

  3. JDHasty,
    We become inoculated to depravity and filth (evil). We become participants (passive, perhaps) rather than observers or bystanders.

    In WWII at Birkenau, the Germans decided to “clean” out the Gypsy camp (due to some outbreak of disease, if memory serves). The Gypsies fought like tigers – until the Germans parléd. The Gypsies told the Germans that they (the Germans) has promised to kill all the Jews before they came for the Gypsies. The Germans said that, yes, that was true. So they stopped the “cleansing” and resorted to subterfuge – telling the Gypsies that they were going to be sent to another camp – which they did – but killed them anyway.
    The Gypsies attempted to “make a deal with the Devil” because they were immured in filth, depravity, and evil – and had become accustomed to it.

    Sen. Moynihan called it “Defining Deviancy Down.” And what we are now witnessing is the accretive effects over some 50 years, or so. The evil has taken on so much weight that our descent is accelerating.

    Forgive the mixed metaphors.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. even the Pandora story has been narratively manipulated.
    The original story, from orally transmitted Greek mythology, had Pandora as a totally different persona. She was created by Zeus and brought _good_ things to mankind. Hesiod, the author, changed and recorded the story in writing, then promoted and repeated it. What he did has much to do with manipulating public perception of patriarchy/matriarchy.
    It really is an old trick, and it is still in use today.


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