Fauci Turns Into A Bumbling Mess When Asked About the “Science” For Denying Vaccinated Americans Travel – IOTW Report

Fauci Turns Into A Bumbling Mess When Asked About the “Science” For Denying Vaccinated Americans Travel

Trending Politics-

During an interview with CNN host John Berman, President Joe Biden’s chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci couldn’t answer how it is “science” to deny Americans the right to travel even after they have been vaccinated.

“We know from the Biden administration that they say it will make its decisions based on science. What’s the science behind not saying it’s safe for people who have been vaccinated, received two doses, to travel?” Berman started.

Fauci danced around the question as he offered zero “science” in his explanation, saying the CDC is “heading in that direction.” He did oddly point out that CDC Director Rochelle Walensky’s released a report stating that “fully vaccinated” people could meet indoors without masks. “That was the first in a multi-step process that they are going to be rolling out,” Fauci said.

“They’re being careful, understandably. They want to get science. They want to get data. And then when you don’t have the data and you don’t have the actual evidence, then you’ve got to make a judgment call,” Fauci said as he admitted that there is no data saying flying while vaccinated isn’t safe. read more

19 Comments on Fauci Turns Into A Bumbling Mess When Asked About the “Science” For Denying Vaccinated Americans Travel

  1. We use science to govern things. We aren’t things.

    We use wisdom to govern ourselves.

    There is no wisdom on the Left. They govern us as things and destroy our ability to live like human beings.

  2. The CDC says you can meet indoors without masks if you both have a vaccination. Even all the liberal nuts I know have met people indoors without masks this past year it has just become tribal where people somehow feel their friends aren’t disease carriers but all strangers are. All such BS.

  3. Pound sand attention whore.
    On a side note.
    Today the Dirty Dem majority legislature in Maine’s house voted against removing General Mills’ dictatorial power.

    This is what I sent my two biotch reps….

    Anyone who voted to continue Janet Mills’ dictatorship is purposely helping destroy businesses, lives, jobs, homes, families, education, etc, etc in hopes of getting more federal dollars. No one could be more cold hearted.
    The CDC put out a report stating masks have a 1.5% effectiveness stopping viruses.
    This vote today showed who Democrats really are. Despicable and unconstitutional.

  4. Do you not realize that the fear mongering will never end. Just when some statistics are showing a (manipulated) decline in new covid cases and states are loosening their draconian restrictions on our freedom, so-called “experts” are claiming that a new surge is coming. Two weeks to flatten the curve, anybody? Wash, rinse and repeat, anybody?

    If you do not have co-morbidity risks, STOP WEARING YOUR MASKS!! Period! No more lockdowns! Defy your local authorities. Punch the playground bullies in the mouth. Enough is enough!

  5. WE are/have been in the throes of a take-over.

    Completely supported/instigated by the MSM, supported by the ASSHOLES in government and absorbed by the numb-minded left.

  6. They are blaming the jab deaths and illnesses on a “new strain.”
    Looking pretty mark of the beasty to me. No travel, no shopping, no life at all without the jab. I will not take it. EVER. I know what they are doing. I will keep my God given immune system and dna.

  7. When there’s a mass die-off of “vaccinated” people, how are we going to explain surviving this culling?

    Five-will-get-you-ten Fauci, Biden, Pelosi et al DID NOT get a real vaccination during that Kabuki Theater.


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