“Kohl’s Kills Free Speech” – IOTW Report

“Kohl’s Kills Free Speech”

Patriots Defending Mike Lindell’s Right To Free Speech Aren’t Going Away…Another Protest Pops Up In Michigan…This Time Against Kohl’s.

24 Comments on “Kohl’s Kills Free Speech”

  1. “A decrease in public demand.” Yeah, we’ve heard that before. Remember when Nordstrom announced that they dropped Ivanka Trump’s line? When they got blowback they said “Oh, we dropped her line because it was not selling. We dropped other lines for the same reason.” When asked what other lines they dropped they said “We don’t publicly discuss such business decisions.” They did not bother to explain why they felt is was necessary to discuss dropping the Ivanka line, however.

    May Kohl’s suffer a great loss in business. In fact, May they lose their business altogether.

  2. Gee, maybe, and I’m just spitballin’ here, but maybe if we didn’t have everyone wearing these stupid masks, maybe this masked man might have drawn someone’s attention? As it was he just blended in with all the other anonymous mask wearers.

  3. I have a different opinion on this, the free market decides. Stores should be able to carry (or not) whatever merchandise it wants. Similarly, the consumer decides how his discretionary dollars are spent and what stores he wants to patronize.

    If this is an issue for you then don’t shop at Kohl’s. There are some brands I won’t buy or reward with my business; Disney, Target, Nike, and Starbucks just to name a few.

    I’ve heard Mike say in several interviews since the election that his business is booming, in so small part to the woke mob trying to cancel him.

    If stores don’t offer merchandise that the consumer wants, they will be “canceled” by a competitor who will provide the service.

  4. Just requested they cancel my card. I said “I am done with you” without further explanation. I don’t think I need to explain. Sad thing is that I liked to shop there but as my friend always tells me, “Vote with your wallet”.

  5. Rich Taylor: isn’t people deciding not to shop at Kohl’s a case of the marketplace deciding? Or are you suggesting that people who are pissed on just say “Please May I have some more, sir?”

  6. Kohl’s is a publicly traded company, I just looked at their chart;


    Trading near their 52 week high, they must be doing something right.

    In the same vein as that Walgreens thread earlier, I wouldn’t be surprised if all retail stores are gone in say 5 years, victims of not only shoplifting but of the ubiquity of online shopping. Sure, people like try to try stuff on before they buy but there is an ever increasing list of online retailers where they take your measurements before hand, offer great quality stuff, and hassle free returns. This is our future, I suspect.

  7. Besides, how many businesses cave to leftist boycotts because they assume that conservatives would never resort to such actions? That is the RINO way of doing things. “It wouldn’t be nice to do such a thing. We’re better than that.”

    Meanwhile conservatives are thrown under the bus at every opportunity because we “won’t” do such a thing. Isn’t it about time that we refuse to get on our knees along side a big ditch as we try to be nice?

  8. @RadioMattM

    “Or are you suggesting that people who are pissed on just say “Please May I have some more, sir?””

    Is that what you got out of my comment, really, or just being snarky?
    What part of ,”the consumer decides how his discretionary dollars are spent and what stores he wants to patronize” did you not understand?

    The “free markets” spigot flows both ways, this includes the merchants. They don’t owe you an explanation as to why they will discontinue or not stock a specific item or brand, it is their choice. If we as consumers don’t like their choice, we shop someplace else. I thought that was plain enough.

  9. When I first heard about this, I called 5 different Kohl’s in the area to ask them about it. 4 of them just would hang up on me when I’d ask to speak to the manager about the reason for discontinuing the My Pillow line, one manager just said “I don’t THINK they’re being pulled, but I don’t know”, and that was it.

    Told the wife that I was cutting up her Kohl’s card after that and that we’re never shopping there again, so we’re done with them.

  10. Kohl’s pissed me off months ago. I can’t even remember why, but I do remember I had a bitch of a time trying to cancel my Kohl’s reward account. The clueless person on the phone couldn’t understand that I was done with their company. I finally convinced her that I would never shop at that store again.
    I felt like I was fighting a losing battle, but at least my hard earned money isn’t going to a company that hates me. This “pandemic ” taught me a lot. #1 lesson, I can do without.

  11. “Besides, how many businesses cave to leftist boycotts because they assume that conservatives would never resort to such actions? That is the RINO way of doing things. “It wouldn’t be nice to do such a thing. We’re better than that.””

    I think you give them way too much credit.

    Companies serve the culture of their environment. I don’t think they differentiate liberal or conservative, they take their cues from social media, Hollywood, and the MSM. The prevailing woke culture rules the day so they think they better get on board or they will be canceled themselves. It’s a purely business decision, and if their profits suffer then they might reevaluate, but I doubt it. None of them have the stomach to cross the woke mob.

  12. @rich taylor – I can only imagine that more Kohl’s will be closing in the near future.

    The one closest to where I live sold 1/3 of their building to Aldi to put in one of their stores as it wasn’t getting enough traffic. All the others now have had to add in Amazon return kiosks and Amazon Pickup centers to keep things going. Pre-COVID, I could walk into a Kohl’s and see at least 50+ shoppers milling about any time of the day, now, it’s maybe 10-20 tops, and our state isn’t big on lockdown stuff.

    I imagine it to be like Twitter’s stock value rising sharply after they lost massive amounts of users, just more artificially inflated B.S. that will come down in due time, but it makes people temporarily forget about how badly the current situation may be.

  13. @Agatha Kakalogical – similar thing happened to my wife shortly before we closed her account out. She placed a $190 order online, then was sent a notice of “possible fraud” and that she had to call in to confirm it was her to get the order processed and released despite using her own card AND shipping to the billing address. Took 20 minutes on the phone to get someone to finally allow the order to be put through. Then, a week later, the wife checks her credit report online, sees her score dropped 20 points. Turns out, after the call, Kohls’ arbitrarily decided to give her a $500 credit limit increase despite her NOT asking for it. Let’s say that those 2 factors helped in our decision to cut all ties with shopping there, we chose to give biz to them for some things because they were founded here in WI, but I don’t care anymore, we are stopping supporting anything that either puts a target on conservatives or makes us angry in any capacity.

  14. @D. Bag, I’m spending my money at second-hand stores. It’s the best option for me. I find unique items and I support a small business. I am over being treated like crap by the big stores.

  15. Long time shopper at Kohl’s. As well as Bed, Bath, and Beyond. No longer. Of course, same for Target, and they seem to be doing okay. I think that the stock market is way too high considering what is happening in Washington. I think that the bubble is going to burst soon.

  16. @Rich Taylor — I understand what you wrote, but I respectfully disagree with it. There is an element — a very strong element — of politicizing (in favor of the Left) within the companies who “cancel” the political speech of conservative Americans either by promoting Leftist clap trap (as Starbucks did by writing Leftist platitudes on their paper coffee cups), or by outright banning (like My Pillow). These companies are telling us to shut the hell up, already. Sure, we can “vote” with our wallets, but what happens to the Mike Lindells of the country if they aren’t big enough to absord the loss. What happens to these company’s employees who are caught in the crossfire? Kohls, Bed Bath and Beyond, Krogers and other large corporate entities weild vastly more political clout (as in influencing legistlation and regulation) than private entrepreneurs like Mike Lindell and Main Street businesses. Why do you think they are allowed to continue serving the public when so many small businesses have been shut down during Covid? I’ve recently read that nearly 20,000 small businesses in CA alone have gone completely under in the past year. Yet none of them were Kohls, BB&B, Krogers or Home Depot.

    It’s not a level playing field. These corporations know they have the backing and support of the current, Leftist, U.S. gov’t and globalist Wall Street.

  17. Fear not Kohls is already fucked! No ones shopping this brick & mortar any longer. I doubt they will last till till Christmas 2022.

    There already nothing but a useless Amazon drop off hubs now.

  18. When Kohl’s went all in for BLM & Antifa last year I and a lot of others cancelled my card and unsubscribed from their emails. The store near us is always a mess anyway. They’ll be gone soon.

  19. Years ago when Herb Kohl owned KOHLS department store chain and he was a senator, I stopped him on the street while he was campaigning. He was a decent man and willing to talk. I asked him point blank why would a self made multimillionaire like himself, the son of common immigrants, be a Democrat politician because everything the Democrats stood for was counter intuitive to the alleged principles that Democrats sell to the public. His answer was boiler plate lingo but I could see the shame in his face. It was only a few years after that when he quit politics to retire. I believe that he knew that the Democrat party was in a race to the bottom and had lost their soul to greed and corruption.

  20. @AbigailAdams-I understand what you wrote, but I respectfully disagree with it.

    So box stores have to weigh the political affiliations of the CEO’s when making all decisions about keeping, discontinuing, or adding new merchandise? Should we create a new government entity, new regulations to look into companies that conduct their business not in keeping with what you think is fair?

    “These companies are telling us to shut the hell up, already. Sure, we can “vote” with our wallets, but what happens to the Mike Lindells of the country if they aren’t big enough to absord the loss.”

    So, as a consumer, I should weigh all purchase decisions on whether or not I would hurt their competitors? I should never shop at Walmart or Amazon because it hurt’s the mom and pop stores in the area, or shop on line because it hurts all the brick and mortars?

    Along the same line of backwards thinking, shop at stores and businesses that have the most employees, less people to lose their jobs if the company goes under. Say I own a sporting goods store, I don’t want to carry brands like Nike that use slave labor, I shouldn’t be able to discontinue carrying their stuff because all those kids in Malaysia won’t get paid their buck fifty a day? I shouldn’t be able to buy an electric car because it might put those combustion engine companies out of business and people their will lose their jobs?

    We live in a capitalistic society and the free markets is the final arbiter, stores make the decisions what items to carry and consumers make the decisions as to where they shop.

    “I’ve recently read that nearly 20,000 small businesses in CA alone have gone completely under in the past year. Yet none of them were Kohls, BB&B, Krogers or Home Depot.”

    Are you blaming this on politics? Thousands of small businesses all over the country closed, most permanently, this is what happens when state governments shuts everything down.


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