The Bennie Thompson Affair – IOTW Report

The Bennie Thompson Affair

American Thinker-

By Sally Zelikovsky

Sometimes, the greatest gifts arrive in the most innocuous packaging. 

Late into the night of March 3rd on a partisan vote of 220-210, the Democrats passed the Orwellian-designated “For the People Act” (or H.R. 1) — with all Republicans voting “nay” save for two who did not vote and all Democrats voting “yea” save for one lone stray.  That stray Democrat is none other than Representative Bennie Thompson for Mississippi’s 2nd congressional district — not exactly a household name but a House lifer since 1993, nonetheless. 

Now, Bennie is no ordinary stray.  Although not as visible nationally as other progressives, he was an original cosponsor of H.R. 1 which only makes his change of heart all the more breathtaking.  A dutiful foot soldier in the progressive movement for close to 30 years, govtrack ranks Thompson 37th among the most politically left representatives — right up there with the most pious Poputchiki (fellow travelers) of the American left: Ocasio-Cortez, Jackson Lee, Grijalva, Jayapal, Schakowsky, Tlaib, and so forth and so on.  You can view Thompson’s full report card here.

What caught my attention is his reason for switching to a “no” vote.  In comments to Fox News, Thompson explained “My constituents opposed the redistricting portion of the bill as well as the section on public finances” and “I always listen and vote in the interest of my constituents.”  read more

6 Comments on The Bennie Thompson Affair

  1. …weird, it’s almost like the filibuster busting Democrats are 100% confident they will NEVER be the “minority party” again.

    …I can’t IMAGINE why…/s

  2. These GOPers…

    Vern Buchanan (FL)
    Brian Fitzpatrick (PA)
    Maria Salazar (FL)
    Andrew Garbarino (NY)
    Chris Smith (NJ)
    Fred Upton (MI)
    Carlos Gimenez (FL)
    Adam Kinzinger (IL)

    …voted with the Democrats to pass the “Background Checks Act” that prohibits private firearms transfers without having a background check

    This Democrat…

    Jared Golden (ME)

    …was the one Democrat who voted against the bill.

    Does he also get a Benny Johnson cameo?


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