Stanford Medical Professor: Lockdowns “Worst Public Health Mistake in Last 100 Years.” – IOTW Report

Stanford Medical Professor: Lockdowns “Worst Public Health Mistake in Last 100 Years.”

“Lockdowns themselves impose great harm on people.”
Do tell.

h/t NAAC

12 Comments on Stanford Medical Professor: Lockdowns “Worst Public Health Mistake in Last 100 Years.”

  1. Our communities have been laboratories for several decades that Mengele would have salivated over. Public schools have experimented on our children and the entire community by extension. Psychological harm and manipulation is easy to accomplish under the radar. Add the “necessity” of online education so that DATA can be shared at hyper speed. Envision how child predators groom and then institutionalize it. Our schools were locked down years before Fort Pelosi, “for safety”. Lockdown for 2 weeks to flatten the curve.

  2. I got banned from posting comments at zerohedge because i used the same logic the scamdemics hoaxers used on homosexuality.

    I posted that homosexuals have higher mental illness, higher suicide rates, higher levels of domestic violence, and it is a danger. And it is obvious from the facts.
    So why do politicians allow it to go on? Don’t they care that people suffer?
    We must follow the science on homosexuality.

    for posting that, i got banned from posting at zerohedge.
    Not allowed to criticize the deviancies that liberals celebrate.

    The country is going down the tubes and nobody to save it. Our elected reps sure aren’t going to save it. They are going to help it go down the tubes.

  3. “So why do politicians allow it to go on? ”

    It serves their purposes and lets them accomplish things they would not otherwise be able to accomplish.

    This is all being done at the direction of much higher sources and powers, and for the same reasons even if not the same ones the politicians are using.


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