Montana: Second Amendment Sanctuary Bill Heads to Senate – IOTW Report

Montana: Second Amendment Sanctuary Bill Heads to Senate

Montana legislators are pushing to protect your Second Amendment rights from Biden’s gun control agenda! 

The Second Amendment Sanctuary bill (HB 258) — sponsored by Rep. Jedediah Hinkle — is challenging President Biden’s intention to impose a gun control agenda that will restrict your 2A rights.  

If this bill would become law, state and local government officials will be under order to NOT enforce ANY federal bans or regulation on firearms, magazines, ammunition, ammunition components, or firearm accessories. This will make it significantly less likely for these kinds of federal gun control to be enforced. 

HB 258 was just passed in the House on February 27th, and will be heard in the Senate on March 16th.  more

5 Comments on Montana: Second Amendment Sanctuary Bill Heads to Senate

  1. The State won’t enforce these laws, which is good, but that won’t keep the Feds from doing it.

    You’re still going to have to comply with all the Federal laws regarding the purchase, transfer, and ownership that you do now (i.e. you won’t suddenly be allowed to skip background checks from dealers or own unrestricted machine guns and such, or anything else declared illegal without serious restrictions in the future).

    It’s a nice step in showing resistance to new laws, but it will not actually accomplish anything to stop them.

  2. Of course we can always have the state file a federal lawsuit against the Federal … oh wait, the courts, including Robert’s SC, will just declare that the state and its citizens don’t have standing in a constitutional rights violation lawsuit. Never mind.

  3. No, we don`t need to obey federal law as a “anonymous”
    commenter stated. He or she or it probably wears a compliance mask
    so should be ignored. Fed agents would be arrested like other criminals
    if attempting arrest of Montana citizens. Unfortunately we have been invaded by liberal cowards from coastal marxist states .


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