Kerry Kennedy slept in locked bathroom to avoid Andrew Cuomo’s abuse: biographer – IOTW Report

Kerry Kennedy slept in locked bathroom to avoid Andrew Cuomo’s abuse: biographer

NYP: Near the end of her marriage to Andrew Cuomo, Kerry Kennedy slept in a locked bathroom to protect herself, according to a biographer who took a close look at Gov. Cuomo’s life.

Abusive bullying helped end the marriage between Cuomo, now 63, and Kennedy, the seventh child of former Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, author Michael Shnayerson said. They were married from 1990 to 2005, and have three daughters.

The accusations fit with a pattern of brutal bullying and demeaning treatment of women raised in recent weeks that have left Cuomo facing widespread calls to resign, and possible impeachment if he does not.


14 Comments on Kerry Kennedy slept in locked bathroom to avoid Andrew Cuomo’s abuse: biographer

  1. …wife beating is evil, yes, even a Kennedy wife, and he should be raped by Bubba for that, sure.

    …but I guess this means we’re just not going to talk about all the wives, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and great-grandmothers he killed so the and his Democrat buddies can rule, huh?

    …which means we CERTAINLY aren’t going to talk about the husbands, fathers, grandfathers, brothers, and great-grandfathers he ALSO killed in service of tyranny too.

    …it’ll all be forgotten once they start killing the rest of us this summer who don’t go along with the full-on Communism rollout starting with gun control, but maybe they’ll let Cuomo be commandant of one of the camps and he’ll get his pick of Trump-supporting women to rape before he sends them to the ovens too, they need someone for THAT duty too, I suppose…

  2. the dirtball
    MARCH 14, 2021 AT 10:28 AM
    “Ole Andrew is batting .1000 now isn’t he. Only thing left is to find out he’d a child molester like the Biden’s.”.

    …every powerful Democrat, male or female, is a pedophile.

    No exceptions.

    …it’s REQUIRED to be in the club, you see…

  3. @ stop2think MARCH 14, 2021 AT 10:20 AM

    Beat me to it. If it were in my power I would cordon off all of the followers of the progressive movement and let them prey on each other. I have no feelings for them.

  4. BS. If there were more here than garden-variety divorce carryings-on, why haven’t the facts come out earlier. Why the publication of this crap now. (And why, if he was so abusive, did the trust-fund baby wife not just move out.)

  5. janitor- My guess? It’s just a Kennedy family tradition. Drugs and abuse. lol

    Plus, at the time, the rumors of him abusing her covered for her cheating with, and then marrying, a Polo player. (whose mom was murdered later on. Hmm…)

  6. All just a cover up for the mass genocide of the elderly.

    If cuomo goes down for those murders so will the other 4 governors. Can’t have that Pandora’s box opening can we?

    What other malfeasance might be looked into after that?

    Better to just dump this asshole for abuse. Funny that biden can’t comment on it because he’s an abuser and kameltoe can’t comment on it because her career was launched on it.

    Boy it sure is nice to have the media just cover all your bases ain’t it?

  7. Not a fan of any Kennedy’s.

    This includes JFK. Physically a very weak person with health and pill problems that were hidden but he still found the time to plow Marilyn Monroe.

    Although unpopular, Putting Nukes in Turkey in 1961 is what convinced the PIECE OF SHART COMMIES to put Nukes in Cuba. I hate the Communists but the reality is that that the son of a bootlegger made the first move.

    The entire family has eaten at the government trough like no other American media proclaimed Royalty.

    Once again, I hate the communistas

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