Texas man drove BMW loaner to rob bank, then tried to use stolen cash to buy BMW – IOTW Report

Texas man drove BMW loaner to rob bank, then tried to use stolen cash to buy BMW

LUBBOCK, Texas (WFLA) — A Texas man who used a loaner car from a BMW dealership to rob a bank and then tried to buy a BMW with the stolen money was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison.

According to court documents, Eric Dion Warren, 50, was in the process of finalizing the purchase of a BMW in the summer of 2019 when he went into a bank, walked up to a teller and put a bag from a fast-food restaurant and a note on the counter.

The note read: “This is a f****** robbery. Play with me and die. I want $10,000 in $50 and $100 bills now you got 1 minute or I will kill you.” After showing the teller the note, Warren pulled out what looked like a handgun and said, “I ain’t playing around, I only want 100s and 50s.”

Authorities said 15 minutes after the robbery, Warren went back to the dealership in the loaned vehicle and according to employees, began waving around cash. more

18 Comments on Texas man drove BMW loaner to rob bank, then tried to use stolen cash to buy BMW

  1. …geez, dude, why not steal enough to buy the car outright?

    Or just steal the CAR, and leave the bank OUT of it?

    …at least it wouldn’t be a FEDERAL crime that way, idiot…

  2. Smart criminals would steal the BMW and buy a 3 year old Toyota. They would avoid the big depreciation, reduce repair costs, and have a bit of extra $$$ to invest in their 401K, all while reducing their overall yearly taxable income. Between dividends, capital appreciation & diversification in a few decades he can retire quite comfortably and buy a Lexus and spend the afternoon golfing.

    … or am I missing something here?

  3. Ya’ couldn’t give me one of the pieces of junk. I’ve never known a single person who had one that didn’t have have continuous problems with it. My sister had an X5 that went back under the Lemon Law. The bastards had the audacity to say: They are the ultimate driving machine, they never claimed to be the ultimate low maintenance machine. 40 years ago I dated a gal that had one and claimed it was a great car, but they do require a lot of maintenance. I told her that where I come from that is what is known as a pile of junk.

    Not one damn fool have I know who has ever owned one that wasn’t in constant need of repair. Not one.

  4. I got to hand it to the guy – he’s got a lotta nerve, chutzpah, gall, or whatever it takes to try a thing like that.

    He’s kind of an ant-hero, like the guy who parachuted out of the commercial jet with his loot.

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